Monday, October 14, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: Week 15 & 16

Week 15:

So this week, I was able to find out extra early that we are having a BABY GIRL!!!  Aaron and I celebrated by going out to dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants, Latin King and opened the envelope and found out together.  I was ecstatic!  Overall, I really didn't care but part of me really did want a girl just so I can get all my 'girly fun' baby stuff out of my system.  We thought clear up to this day our intuition was telling us it's a girl but that day we both thought for sure it was a boy since they were able to determine so early but it was a pleasant surprise to find out Baby Hyde is a girl!    

We bought the crib and dresser, YIPPEE!  Super excited about making some purchases.  Going to put the crib together this weekend.  We went with white, my vision is very Pottery Barn Chic so can't wait to show off my vision of how it comes together but it's going to take some time before that happens.  

I officially can't 'suck' my gut in.  I stand in front of the mirror and seriously try until my face turns purple and I can't get it to flatten in!  I'm getting a defined bump.  I don't know how I really feel about this.  I know it's all part of the gig but at the same time, I really don't want the bump.  Baby yes, bump no. I've always been a little self-conscious of my weight and am very worried about gaining so please be kind when I do start looking like a blown up balloon, because trust me, I'll be well aware of how big I may look.  And I also have a very strict rule, no one outside of Aaron touches my belly.  I'm serious, no touching, it's off limits peeps!  I'm a pretty open person but this is one thing I am drawing the line for.

So I'm an idiot and posted week 15 picture in week 14 post so here is week 14 and 15 picture to get that straightened out! 

Week 16: 

This week we attempted to start a registry and it was beyond overwhelming!  2 hours in and we had only gotten half way thru the store when I was too pooped to continue on.  I was mentally exhausted trying to figure out the difference in bottles and why with all the bottle nipple sizes.  Wide mouth bottles or normal size, holy smokes I hadn't a clue!  Luckily we were given some assistance in the bottle aisle because that part was very overwhelming. After having a nervous breakdown in the nipple aisle and moving on... who knew they made 2,524,857 different kinds of pacifiers?  We couldn't even figure out what kind of baby gate we needed.  Baby monitors galore.  Heck if I know which is best!?!  To swaddle this way or that way.  Wipe warmers, is it really necessary?  Then we got to the "poop pails" aka diaper genie.  All I know is I want one that traps the odors...ya feel me on that one?!   Swaddle blankets, receiving blankets, burp cloths... why so many cloths!?!  What's up with a million choices for diaper rash creams?  To go with organic products or not?  You see what I'm saying... too much to take in for one day!  It threw me into a huge tizy, I love to make decisions yet I was so undecided!  So I threw in the towel and decided this registry process will take multiple trips to attack one department at a time.  Good thing I'm starting early!  I was so exhausted and Aaron... well it's going to be really hard to convince him to go back and finish after that initial trip.

1 comment:

  1. So much of that baby stuff is more than you'll ever need and really more of a personal preference (which do you like the LOOK of the best?)! I took a mommy friend with me to register (and left the hubs at home) and that helped tremendously! Here's a link to some of my favorites if that helps: Good luck!
