I originally was thinking of a pale blue but Aaron wanted to keep it neutral so we went with a color called dust bunny, which is a light brown. I used the roller and did the large surfaces while Aaron worked on the detail work. After the paint dried, we then hung new trim to replace the old trim where the ceiling and wall meets. I was exhausted by the end of this project and was only interested in ‘supervising.’ J But I stuck in there with Aaron and helped finish. The new paint compliments our furniture much better and I find it more relaxing. Check out of my steal of a deal, $5 curtains! Love them! Here is a picture of the finished product:
This same weekend I also wanted the closet that is across from the kitchen to have shelving for better use of the space. Here is a picture of how it turned out:
I put a fresh coat of paint in this closet and Aaron installed these wonderful adjustable shelves. We hung the shelves to the side of the closet so we can easily store our vacuum. Aaron also put hooks up so we can hang the mop, broom, swifter and step stool. This closet now makes more sense. Before it just had cleaning products sitting on the floor with a lot of empty wasted space, now we are using this closet to it’s fullest potential and now holds much more stuff in an organized fashion.
Overall it was a lot of work but the finished results are great and make us feel like we have made a purposeful change to our home.
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