Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hot Yoga

Yep that’s right, HOT YOGA, it's the new craze.  I read an article earlier this year about how Rebecca Romijn swears by hot yoga as to how she lost all her baby weight after having twins in which I found very intriguing. 

I’ve done yoga before on several occasions; it just felt like a series of awkward contortions, like I’m trying out for the circus or something…. But I had a feeling hot yoga would be a different kind of work out, I mean after all Rebecca Romijn’s swim suit picture in my magazine was really convincing.

So I called around town and every place that offered it doesn't do it during the summer so I gave up on the idea until I recently found a place that ONLY offers hot yoga. 

I showed up early for my first class but on my way over I thought it’s 100 degrees outside, surely there won’t be that many people showing up for this class… I was wrong, it was a packed class.  In the room, there are heat lamps attached to the walls and it is HOT (over 100 degrees in the room with zero air movement).  While I was sitting on my mat waiting for class to begin, I thought to myself… I’m already starting to sweat and I’m feeling like the heat is already wearing me out.

The class was HARD!  This particular one focused on pilates/legs/abs/yoga.  I’ve never sweated so much in my entire life.  But it felt really good.  When class was over and I walked out, the 100 degree day felt like a 60 degree day. 

When I got into my car and looked at myself in the mirror, I was taken aback by how disgusting and nasty I looked!  I was particularly freaked out by my post workout hair-do. 

Aaron was shocked and impressed by how wiped out I was.  I had him convinced he needed to try it.  So he came with me to the next session and loved it.  This particular one focused on abs/butt/core.  Again another great class (and for the record there were other men in the class so this is NOT just for women).  Never in my life have I felt like the fat was literally melting off my body during a workout class.  It’s pretty intense stuff. 

The heat really sinks down deep into your muscles.  The hot air makes you breath deeper, not only helping to clear out your day’s stresses but helps increase your flexibility.  It’s fast paced but I felt comfortable as a beginner, this is not your typical yoga class. The music wasn't funky, in fact they played a lot of upbeat stuff nor do I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of yoga snobs.  

So I'm pretty much obsessed with hot yoga, want to try it?  I’m hoping by Christmas I can impress everyone by twisting into a full pretzel.  Just kidding, I just made that up.  
This is what I got when I Googled  my made-up word Yoga Pretzel, LOL!!! Now that's just freaky... 

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