Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 1 Thru 7

 Here is weeks 1-7 of my pregnancy journal.  It's just my random honest thoughts.  Keep in mind I'm now in my second trimester now so this seems like awhile ago now since I'm re-reading this, so most of this stuff I talk about here I'm not experiencing anymore.  Let's just say the first trimester was not a 'walk in the park' but it could have been worse.  So it's not too much funnies going on in week 1-7, I felt like crap-ola! 

As you read this, realize I would write a paragraph here and there, so keep that mind as the flow may be choppy from paragraph to paragraph.  I'll follow up with weeks 8-14 in my next post! 

Week 1, 2 & 3: 

I drank lots of wine, did hot yoga, ate garbage food.  You know... my usual lifestyle.  I didn't know I was preggers.  I don't feel worried about this, sounds like this happens a lot.  I didn't know so I don't really feel guilty for it.  The one thing that does have me a little worried is that I cleaned our rugs with some pretty potent cleaner during these weeks and the chemicals smelled pretty strong and the fumes were pretty harsh, hopefully that didn't do any harm to the baby.  Again, I'm not letting myself get too worried about it really.  Pregnant women in the 60/70s were drinking, smoking and doing drugs and we all turned out fine, right???  Not saying my mom did that but you know what I mean...  Now I know I'm pregnant so I can make healthy choices going forward. 

Week 4: 

The evening of July 11th is when I took the test.  I had a good idea I was pregnant by this point but the test confirmed it.  How did I know I was 3 weeks? I was using an ovulation app prior to this so it was easy math.  This was a planned baby (I know, I probably should have stopped my bad habits when we decided to give the baby thing a whirl!).  I feel completely normal, don't feel pregnant. We told our family that weekend, considering I had very little time between us seeing them and when we found out, we didn't do anything creative to tell them.  Just asked what they are doing next March and with blank stares we then announced we are having a baby!  We were still trying to absorb the news ourselves.  That weekend I had my first symptom, tried to go for a jog and as soon as I started jogging my boobs started throbbing!  Guess that tends to be the first symptom that appears, tender breasts.  TMI??!  

Week 5: 

Told a handful of close friends we wanted to tell.  I took the Chinese gender test, said I'm having a girl.  We'll see if that prediction is true.  At this point I'm just trying to understand what to eat/not to eat, which I feel pretty comfortable with.  Only suffered one day of a caffeine headache, which is pretty good for someone who is use to drinking a fair amount of coffee every day for years.  I'm even avoiding decaf.  Did you know they use a chemical process to decaffeinate coffee?  Not good.  I found organic decaf coffee that uses natural Swiss water for it's decaffeination process at Whole Foods.  But right now, I'm just avoiding coffee altogether.  

Made my first 2 appointments.  Looking forward to it!  

Week 6: 

Morning sickness has kicked in.  I feel like it's pretty early to be getting this so I'm worried about it getting worse from here.  I'm not throwing up but I feel sick pretty much 24/7.  It feels just like a hangover so I'm familiar with the feeling :)  I bought some B6 vitamins and drinking ginger ale and snacking all the time, it kinda helps.  I have some major food aversions going on, nothing sounds good at all, I'm eating a lot of soup because it's the only thing that is setting on my tummy.  Biggest turn offs: coffee and chicken, 2 things I use to love!  I'm also noticing I'm a bit more tired but isn't too bad.  I've had zero desire to do any workouts this week.  Just feeling real 'touch and go'.      

Week 7: 

This week is going much better!  Although I still don't feel like doing a darn thing.  And my appetite is still lacking, most all food do not sound good.  And the things that sound good, don't end up setting for me so then that is just one more food aversion to add to the list. I go home after work and basically plant it on the couch all night and usually take a small nap after work.  My boobs seriously kill, I've thought about laying on the couch with ice paks on them.  I'm really hoping that don't get bigger, not a fan of big boobs.  So far, I can't really say I'm enjoying the pregnancy experience but it's not terrible compared to some of what I've heard it can be at this point.  I'm not puking, I just feel less than 100% all the time but definitely more manageable than last week.  Also experiencing constipation, which is considered normal but sucks for someone who is pretty regular.  Sorry... everyone poops (wish I could right now!) so yep, I know... TMI! 

This week we also visited our local BuyBuyBaby store and I loved it.  So much cleaner and organized than the few times I've been in a Babies R Us.  They seem to have an awesome selection.  I ended up buying a snoogle pillow and I'm in love with it, I think the snoogle will be sticking around much longer than 9 months.  Aaron loves my snoogle too, that's a problem. 

In week 7, I started my weekly picture taking, here I am, morning sickness and all! 

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