Week 11:
So I'm nervous that the first trimester symptoms won't necessarily go away in the next few weeks. But I'm hangin' in there! So I do have a funny story and it's a little personal...
Like I've mentioned before, my breasts have been super sore/hurting. I could tell they were growing but I had no idea how big they have gotten. So last night I went shopping and knew I desperately needed a new bra because I currently was busting out of the top, bottom and sides, I looked like a busted can of Pillsbury biscuits in my current 32B bra.
So I went into Soma and asked them to size me and she asked me my current size and she goes "Honey, you need a 32DD." WTH!?! I didn't believe her so I told her to bring me a C for starters because that is what I thought I really needed. I was a busted can of biscuits in that so I tried a D and that fit but it was tight so she brought back that damn DD and sure enough, it fit like a glove. I wanted to cry, most people might love their chest growing but me not so much. But this morning, I wore my DD bra and it was a glorious feeling to be comfortable for a change. It's ugly as all get out, they don't make 'cute' bras in that size. I know I got measured probably a year ago and I was a 32B. So I think I know know where at least 1 lb of my 5 lb gain is sitting. I was not prepared for this change!
Can you believe that?!?! I'm still in shock. I went down to Victoria Secret after leaving Soma and didn't tell them what size I was just sized at just curious what they would say and sure enough, 32DD I am. Funny thing is, with my shirt on, they don't even look that big, I've seen girls more chestier than me but Aaron makes a good point, I'm trying to flatten mine I still look chesty and most girls are walking around with major push up bras on. I know it sounds like I'm obsessed talking about this but common' if yours got that big within a few weeks, you would be pretty flabbergasted by that change going on in your body too!
So that's my personal story... newly pregnant first-timers beware! Now the world knows my bra size. TMI, yes, but i's just a size people. At least my underwear size hasn't changed.
Week 12:
Hip-Hip-Horray! Morning sickness, practically gone. Fatigue almost gone, 90% of my energy has returned! HALLELUJAH! I'm starting to feel 'normal' again. It's been a long several months of not feeling like myself. Funny how one day, it's just like a switch that flips on, I woke up and just instantly was better. Except now I'm starting to get the 'pregnancy brain' where I'm becoming forgetful. And that's just not me, I'm normally very on top of busy life and I'm forgetting plans and my train of thought. I haven't forgotten anything major yet but please forgive me if I forget something that may pertain to you! I'm a control/orderly freak so knowing I'm letting things slip thru the cracks really bothers me.
My second appt went well. Heard the heartbeat, saw our little friend and even got a 3D image.
Week 13:
Really nothing new to update. Feeling great, everything is going well. Sleeping a lot better at night. I am looking forward to my second trimester if this is how it's going to start off.
Week 14:
We found a Daycare and are all signed up! I think we visited just about every daycare in West Des Moines and the one we choose happened to be the last daycare we visited and it wasn't even on the list, we just stumbled upon it and loved it. Glad to have that checked off the list this week! I was feeling a lot of pressure to get that figured out since waiting lists can be so long.
I started a new job this week at Wells Fargo so I've been extra busy lately! Kinda why last week's update lacked substance. I'm working as a Financial Consultant. Basically I present and go over financials with Wells Fargo technology business managers and budget/forecast their technology products and needs. I'm liking it so far!
Aaron painted the baby's room this weekend, we went with a light gray color and it turned out great! Got the room cleared out and moved our office to the basement and surprisingly, we love our office in the basement much more than we thought we would. Excited to 'break ground' so to speak in the baby's room.
Also I have been sporadically doing a new pregnancy workout video called the Tracy Anderson Method. It's a pretty awesome set that has 9 DVDs, a DVD for each month of pregnancy. The trainer, Tracy, is pregnant in the video and it's focused on toning the arms and lifting the tush. Both in which I do need. I read about this in one of my pregnancy magazines and decided to give it a whirl and I can tell it will keep my rear end in shape for sure. The downside is the video is an hour long and I just can't stand working out for more than 45 minutes but I'm hacking that extra 15 minutes anyways.
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I went through a very similar bra experience with Brantley! I was shocked when I measured a D! I remember when I was barely an A! And I'm with ya--I'm not a fan of big boobs. I think people are crazy that want/have boob jobs. You look great!