Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pregnancy Journal: Week 35 & 36

Week 35:

SO I went a whopping 4 weeks of not gaining a pound but yet my tummy was growing on target and then BAM! Gained 3 lbs in one week.  I’m not getting bent out of shape over it, I probably would be if I had gained over the last few weeks but I hadn’t so I’m telling myself this is a ‘free pass’.  Now if I gain 3 lbs next week… well… then I might be singing a different tune. 

Birth plan is done and printed.  OB said everything I have listed looks good and is within reason.  I’m leaving it up to Aaron if he wants to cut the cord or not, I’m really not an overly sentimental person so told him if he wants to that’s cool but he doesn’t have to.  He just has a very strict rule of no petting my head during labor.  Have you ever seen those labor videos where the guy is petting the woman’s head while in labor?  That really drives me nuts to even watch on tv.  NO petting my hair, bad enough my hair probably won’t look great but then to have it mashed to my forehead by extreme husband petting would drive me to probably slap him.  He gets it, we’ve had that talk.

Week 36:

Over the weekend, I felt a shift in how the baby was lying.  I feel her dropping.  At my 36 week appointment that was confirmed, she is head down and sitting low.  But my doctor said that doesn’t necessarily mean I will go into labor early.  My instincts are telling me I may go a tid bit early though.  Speaking of appointment…this is going to be a TMI but I find it important to educate those first-timers out there as this would have been nice to know going into it.  So I had read beforehand on Baby Center that at some point soon, I could be getting Group B Strep Testing.  As I read the description of this testing I started to panic, it consists of a swab of both the vagina and the rectum.  The second part of that freaked me out.  I was hoping my doctor’s office would not be that thorough but sure enough, I walk into my week 36 appointment and I found out they were thorough.  It wasn’t terrible but not pleasant and would have been nice to know a little more beforehand that this would be taking place.  So FYI first timers out there, chances are pretty high you will get this test too so be prepared.  It goes quick, it’s not that bad but I just didn’t get enough advance notice to mentally prepare for such.  

With the baby dropped and sitting lower, I now consider myself feeling ‘miserably-great’.  Walking hurts, sleeping hurts, sitting isn’t too bad but overall I’m just either in a slight pain or uncomfortable.  But doing great because all signs show baby is healthy and right on track, so miserable is bearable and I’d rather be the miserable one, not the baby.  So if you ask… I’m miserably-great because well that’s the truth! 

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