This was a highly stressful month to get her to cooperate for this picture! |
What’s new?! Walking. She has been doing a step or 2 on her own for the last few months but this
month I would say she officially took her first steps. Check out the video for yourself, that’s legit if you ask me. She isn’t exclusively walking but I feel pretty good that by her 11 month update she will be. Go Annie, Go! Check out her video:
This girl is a go-getter!
She’s feisty, she knows what she wants, and she’s not lukewarm at all
about anything. Laid back child she is
not! If this personality of hers
continues {which I’ve grown to love}, I think we will have our hands full and
things will always be pretty lively keeping up with her.
We’ve finally gotten into some good napping patterns with
her. Her naps are predictable and
good. Her bottles are stretching to 4-5
hours apart, and bedtime is consistent.
We introduced solids this past month and it started out great. She seemed really interested in them and
eating them fine at daycare too. But
then the last few weeks, she’s been not having it at all, purses her lips,
refusing cheerios which she did love, and will even spit the food out if I
manage to get it into her mouth. Then
she doesn’t cry in the high chair but she has learned the art of
screaming. She looks at me and screams
loudly. Like a ‘get me out of this chair NOW’
scream. I usually can win for a few
minutes by giving her a MumMum (the only solid she will eat – (rice crackers))
and then once that’s gone and I try with solids again, she starts in on her
screams. Told ya… feisty! I don’t want to force her to eat anything she
doesn’t like, but I don’t feel like that’s the case though so I have to keep
trying and putting up this fight with her to try to get her interested
again. It’s a delicate fight though, I
don’t want to make highchair or eating solids a negative association or
something that feels forced upon. So
that’s our latest battle with our little Annie who is highly stubborn with
solid foods out of the blue.
![]() |
She is really loving piggy back rides lately from Daddy |
Annie loves Charley.
Too much. On the weekends I feel
like all I do is police those 2. Annie
crawls all over Charley and wants to tease Charley with the dog toys. It’s cute for a while then it’s like okay you
two, that’s enough. It usually ends up
with Charley downstairs behind the baby gate just to separate them. I can’t tell if Charley likes it or just puts
up with it. I kinda think it’s a little
of both at times.
Annie is the youngest in her daycare class. We are so lucky to have a daycare we really
love and Annie does too. BUT… we are
finding out that our little Annie, the youngest baby in the class is being a
bit of a bully to the other babies. She
has a tendency to jump on the other baby’s backs and try to ride them around
the room. Why am I not surprised by
this?! Oh Annie!
Other things worthy of mentioning is her top 2 teeth came
in. We had 2 icky back to back ear
infections L. She can wave ‘bye-bye’ (although it’s not
mastered yet). And crawling up flights of
Although she is certainly feisty and stubborn in the most
innocent of ways, she is SO beyond sweet!
She’s earned a very, very special place in Aaron’s and my heart! We just love to watch her on the monitor
after she goes to sleep, just see her all curled up, peacefully sleeping. The way she can flash a big smile across her
face just gets me every time. Although
she doesn’t like to be held much, she does give the best hugs ever. Happy 10 months Annie, you’re so super sweet,
a big ball of feistiness, and so darn loveable.
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