January – off to a great start! Aaron and I was beginning a new chapter in our lives, newly weds in our first home. Busy decorating, using new wedding gifts, having fun buying furniture and planning a honeymoon. Life was good.
On the other hand… good friends of ours found out late December that their baby was diagnosed with PKU. Trying to understand what all that meant for this newborn baby was both heartbreaking and overwhelming to our friends, our hearts were sad as well for what this little baby endured through many doctor visits.
February – One of our best friends Chris was diagnosed with Clear Cell Sarcoma. The news came as a shock. We were trying to understand what was to come for our friend and what we needed to do to support him in his fight.
March – Our first home project was completed! Painting our bedroom and reconfiguring a closet. Sounds minor but it was a big accomplishment to us.
April – nice enough out to get started on some outdoor projects. This was a huge task at hand for all the changes we wanted to accomplish. Tree removal, trees that needed major trimmings, staining the deck, removing a large bush, seeding the lawn, etc, etc etc!
May -- Honeymooned to San Francisco/Napa Valley! We had a fabulous time and was a much needed get away. I also dealt with chronic shin splints all spring long, those are not only painful but really annoying/frustrating. Aaron was having a somewhat similar sort of pain in his knee too that wouldn’t go away. Starting to feel like old married people :)
June – Chris gathered friends for a dinner out, which ended up being perfectly timed, because shortly after this he got very sick. That dinner was filled with laughter and happiness and a celebration of Chris’s fight against cancer.
Aaron with the help of others organized a benefit concert to take place in Cedar Falls which turned out to be a huge success in raising funds for Chris’s medical expenses.
July – My Grandpa’s aneurysm burst in the middle of the night. It was a huge scare and a lot of unknowns as to how it would all turn out. Only by a miracle, did my Grandpa survive. Watching him recover from this and grow stronger again really impacted me. As if we weren’t already on an emotional roller coaster, this thru it into full throttle.
August – we received two letters from the city, one for our tree and one for a broken water service pipe. At this point, it would have been a waste of energy to get really upset over this. Ya, we were far from happy but bit the bullet and had our yard torn up.
September – Our friend Chris Roberts passed away. With Chris we witnessed him deteriorate for months and he shared his raw emotion with us of what he was feeling and thinking. Never before have I been an eye witness to that, it was and still is a lot to mentally process.
October – Chris’s funeral, sad and such a surreal day.
In October I paid off my car, which felt good.
My Grandparents moved into an apartment which was a big change for them and my family was very busy helping with this transition. By the end of October, we were wiped out and had barely spent any weekends thus far at home; it had been life at full speed day after day.
November – Our first wedding anniversary was celebrated. We were enjoying several weekends in a row at home, which felt good. Began to appreciate the term 'home sweet home'.
Mid November, one of our family members had a miscarriage :(
Thanksgiving - we spent this day with Aaron's family. It was a nice visit and luckily we didn't have any issues traveling as an icy storm hit the day before.
December – we decided to have a slower paced holiday season this year, fewer holiday parties and less travel. Last year Aaron and I did not spend the holidays together and the joy was taken out of some of the celebrations due to hustle and bustling around so a change of ways felt necessary.
Beginning of December, unexpectedly a coworker of mine passed away. So sad for his family right before the holidays. I worked pretty closely with him on a lot of projects. Again, I was overcome by the fact that life is short and you never know when your time on this earth is over.
Also in December, a lady slide into Aaron’s car, a lot of damage, thankfully no one was hurt. We are still waiting to get his car back....
At the last minute, we decided to take advantage of an energy credit rebate and had our hot water heater replaced just in time before the credit expired. That felt like a smart move on our part.
Christmas was spent with family, relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. Thankful the weather permitted us the opportunity to spend time with our family. Also was glad that both sides of our family were respectful of our desire to only travel to one place for each of the holidays, that really helped us out a lot this year and relived a lot of pressure.
In many ways I feel like we've had more downs than ups this past year. We try to keep our focus not on what bad happened but what to learn from these situations and to find the good in all that is bad. Amazingly, I have found there is always a good in every bad – HUGE lesson learned!
GOOD-BYE 2010!!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Highlight Pics!
Christmas Highlights...
First set of pictures are my family, on Christmas Eve we do a White Elephant Exchange. Whatever useless, halarious, horendous gift that can get the best reaction is the goal!
So as you can see, our family's White Elephant exchange is halarious! Silliness aside now. Time to open the gifts, Mom and Dad spoil us way too much! Here are just a few of the gifts...
Somehow I missed getting a picture of Heather opening but she got a slew of clothing and new bedding!
Following Christmas The Hyde's came down to our house for the day. We had a great day together!
Aaron's brothers Eric and David came too, we didn't get any good photo ops of them but it was great to see them too! We had a great Christmas with our families this year! Sorry but most all of my pictures were of gift opening, otherwise we played a lot of games, watched movies, napped, and of course ate way too much food!!!
First set of pictures are my family, on Christmas Eve we do a White Elephant Exchange. Whatever useless, halarious, horendous gift that can get the best reaction is the goal!
Mom and Dad got some awesome santa hats |
My sister Heather, a Stewie Snuggie! |
My brother Cody, stylin' reindeer ears |
Grandma got some old Tupperware |
Uncle David got a Men's Underwear Repair Kit |
Aaron got some ass kickin' hot salsa! |
Cousin Colin got a Hello Kitty watch |
Grandpa got some sexy Christmas stockings |
Mom couldn't resist trying on the reindeer ears |
Silly hats! |
I got the snuggie in the end, YES! |
Grandma got a gift everyone wanted... an Ipad! |
Domino! Okay so he was a Christmas Gift many years ago |
New Blazer |
Cody gets SOOO many clothes for Christmas! |
North Face Vest |
Mom got her Kitchenaid Mixer |
Dad has more Bears apparel than any fan I know |
Gunther is snoozing |
Gunther, the attention lover! |
Following Christmas The Hyde's came down to our house for the day. We had a great day together!
Our Niece Adalyn opening some toys |
Aunt Erin and Uncle Aaron couldn't resist getting Addie a new outfit! |
Aaron's Dad opening a electronic picture frame |
Aaron's mom, Jean got some jewelry |
Aaron new Hawkeye Sweatshirt |
Friday, December 24, 2010
Oreo Balls
I hope you have found a recipe to try from my week of Christmas goodie blog postings. I'm signing off for a few days now. Have a Merry Christmas and safe travels!
A friend of mine gave me a goodie plate this year, on them were these wonderful treats that tasted like chocolate truffles! I had to get the recipe as these were a winner.
Oreo Balls and Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers |
1 8 oz pkg of cream cheese (room temp)
1 pkg Chocolate almond bark
½ pkg White almond bark
Grind Oreos finely in a food processor. Add Oreos and cream cheese to a mixing bowl and mix. Put in fridge to harden dough. Using a small cookie scoop, make into balls. Put in freezer for awhile. In a double boiler, boil water. Add almond barks. Lower heat and stir until fully melted. Add one oreo ball at a time and turn in chocolate with tongs. Move to wax paper to let them set. Put in fridge to let set up once cooled.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers
Last year I was at Caribou Coffee and bought a chocolate covered graham cracker. Wow, these are good! BUT... $2 for one chocolate covered graham cracker is flat out stupidity. Solution: I made my own.
Graham crackers
1 pkg Chocolate almond bark
½ pkg White almond bark
Break each graham cracker sheet in half. In a double boiler, boil water. Add almond barks. Lower heat and stir until fully melted. Add Graham Cracker and turn in chocolate with tongs. Move to wax paper to let them set.
I personally prefer them in dark chocolate, I think they are much better but it’s your preference. I made all milk chocolate this year for my family.
Optional: This year I decided to spread peanut butter on a graham cracker and make a sandwich with two graham cracker halves. Then dip. Makes them a thicker treat and who doesn’t love a little peanut butter?
Graham crackers
1 pkg Chocolate almond bark
½ pkg White almond bark
Break each graham cracker sheet in half. In a double boiler, boil water. Add almond barks. Lower heat and stir until fully melted. Add Graham Cracker and turn in chocolate with tongs. Move to wax paper to let them set.
I personally prefer them in dark chocolate, I think they are much better but it’s your preference. I made all milk chocolate this year for my family.
Optional: This year I decided to spread peanut butter on a graham cracker and make a sandwich with two graham cracker halves. Then dip. Makes them a thicker treat and who doesn’t love a little peanut butter?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Cut Out Sugar Cookies
If you’ve ever made cut out cookies from scratch, you know how much work it is! As most of you have figured out, I’m a lazy cook. Never again will I make sugar cut outs from scratch. I have now found a brilliant short cut! Thanks to Trader Joes. Trader Joes’s is a new grocery store in town that is one hot place. There is a huge Trader Joe craze in Des Moines right now and I’m lovin it too. Trader Joe’s is a national retailer and you may have one close by.
Buy a box of Trader Joe’s Workshop Cookies (may only be available at Christmas time). These cookies are amazing! Taste just like from scratch. Welp, I decided that these could be improved. How? Ditch the frosting that comes with it and make your own frosting from scratch. DELICIOUS!
Cut Out Sugar Cookies
Make a box of Trader Joe’s Workshop Cookies as directed on box, throw away frosting packets.
Frosting recipe came from a gal at work; I LOVE almond extract and altered her recipe a bit to make the frosting less runny (she had way more milk than I would have and I omitted the stick butter she had in her recipe, so here it is…)
1 cup of powdered sugar
3 Tbsp of milk
¼ tsp of vanilla extract
¼ tsp of almond extract
Mix ingredients with a wooden spoon in bowl. Use a spreading knife and frost each cookie. Top each cookie with sprinkles that came in the cookie box mix. Let frosting set up before putting up the cookies.
Buy a box of Trader Joe’s Workshop Cookies (may only be available at Christmas time). These cookies are amazing! Taste just like from scratch. Welp, I decided that these could be improved. How? Ditch the frosting that comes with it and make your own frosting from scratch. DELICIOUS!
Cut Out Sugar Cookies
Make a box of Trader Joe’s Workshop Cookies as directed on box, throw away frosting packets.
Frosting recipe came from a gal at work; I LOVE almond extract and altered her recipe a bit to make the frosting less runny (she had way more milk than I would have and I omitted the stick butter she had in her recipe, so here it is…)
1 cup of powdered sugar
3 Tbsp of milk
¼ tsp of vanilla extract
¼ tsp of almond extract
Mix ingredients with a wooden spoon in bowl. Use a spreading knife and frost each cookie. Top each cookie with sprinkles that came in the cookie box mix. Let frosting set up before putting up the cookies.
Talking Oven Mits! |
Lookin' Good! |
Aaron helped keep me sane by helping out where needed, THANK YOU! |
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Peanut Butter Cup Cookies
This recipe is always a family request and is easy to eat a bunch of!
Peanut Butter Cup Cookies
½ cup margarine
½ cup peanut butter
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 ¼ cup flour
¾ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
Reese’s miniature peanut butter cups
Cream together margarine, peanut butter, brown sugar, white sugar, 1 egg and vanilla. Separately combine flour, soda, & salt. Add to creamed mixture and mix. Using a small cookie scoop, scoop balls into an ungreased miniature muffin pan (one ball per muffin cup). Bake at 375 degrees for 8 minutes. Remove from oven and immediately place a miniature peanut butter cup into the center of each cookie.
Here are my hints for perfection:
• If dough seems to sticky to scoop, add flour or chill for a few minutes
• Cookies will not seem done when pulled out of oven, that is okay, they finish cooking in the pan
• Freeze the Reese’s cups, and have them all unwrapped and ready to go, freezing them helps make them not become a mess when you push into hot cookies
• Once cooled, I always put in fridge for a few minutes to set
• Don’t remove cookies until fully cooled off. I have a cheap pan scraper that is only use for these cookies. The edge of a pan scraper will help assist in the clean removal of each cookie.
Peanut Butter Cup Cookies
½ cup margarine
½ cup peanut butter
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 ¼ cup flour
¾ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
Reese’s miniature peanut butter cups
Cream together margarine, peanut butter, brown sugar, white sugar, 1 egg and vanilla. Separately combine flour, soda, & salt. Add to creamed mixture and mix. Using a small cookie scoop, scoop balls into an ungreased miniature muffin pan (one ball per muffin cup). Bake at 375 degrees for 8 minutes. Remove from oven and immediately place a miniature peanut butter cup into the center of each cookie.
Here are my hints for perfection:
• If dough seems to sticky to scoop, add flour or chill for a few minutes
• Cookies will not seem done when pulled out of oven, that is okay, they finish cooking in the pan
• Freeze the Reese’s cups, and have them all unwrapped and ready to go, freezing them helps make them not become a mess when you push into hot cookies
• Once cooled, I always put in fridge for a few minutes to set
• Don’t remove cookies until fully cooled off. I have a cheap pan scraper that is only use for these cookies. The edge of a pan scraper will help assist in the clean removal of each cookie.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Pretzel Hugs
Each day this week I’m going to have a recipe on my blog. Check back daily for a fun recipe to take home to your family this Christmas.
Pretzel Hugs
Mini Square Pretzels (Synder’s brand works well)
Hershey’s Hugs
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lay as many pretzels out on a cookie sheet. Put a unwrapped hershey’s hug on each pretzel. Bake for ONLY 2 MINUTES. Pull out an immediately place an M&M on each pretzel, lightly squishing each Hug down.
Once cooled enough, put in fridge for a few minutes to set. So cute and tasty!!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dinner With The Girls!
Erin, Allison, Amy, Rachel, Emily & Kelsey |
Last night my small group got together for a Christmas outing. We are in between studies right now, so it worked out well to plan a Christmas Dinner. We went to Bang Bang and had some yummy food. It was nice to just sit and chat with everyone.
Christmas Brunch a few weeks ago with Rachel & Amy |
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
After Black Friday where the mob starting singing The Hallelujah Chorus spontenously at Macy's, seems like everywhere it is spawning locally. Des Moines held their own rendition at the downtown food court. Looks like a lot of people joined in, although you could tell it was staged by a handful of people. Even though it is becoming a copy cat thing, it is still pretty cool to get random people belting it out over their lunch hour and filling the skywalks of downtown with such a beautiful song... talk about getting into the Christmas spirit! Enjoy!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Cold Weather = Cookies!
What do I find to keep busy on a Sunday when it is too frigid to be outside? Get a head start on the holiday baking! My peanut butter cup cookies freeze great, so got a batch ready for Christmas already, the rest were a trial run as they were new recipes. All which I will be tweaked just a bit for when I make the actual Christmas batch in hopes that next time will be perfection.
What's better than having unexpected goodies arrive at your front door on a cold day?
Our neighbors brought us a plate of goodies last year and I never found time to bake extra last year for them so this year I wanted to be sure to return the favor. They've brought us produce from their garden, let Aaron borrow some yard tools, and have been friendly folks to us. A plate for our neighbor next door and one for the family across the street. The larger plate is for Aaron's small group since they will be over tomorrow. The rest goes in the freezer. I can't have too much left over for Aaron and I but of course we sampled it all! It was a pretty time intensive project and hope and plan to recreate this all once more when it gets closer to Christmas....without burning the house down!
What's better than having unexpected goodies arrive at your front door on a cold day?
Our neighbors brought us a plate of goodies last year and I never found time to bake extra last year for them so this year I wanted to be sure to return the favor. They've brought us produce from their garden, let Aaron borrow some yard tools, and have been friendly folks to us. A plate for our neighbor next door and one for the family across the street. The larger plate is for Aaron's small group since they will be over tomorrow. The rest goes in the freezer. I can't have too much left over for Aaron and I but of course we sampled it all! It was a pretty time intensive project and hope and plan to recreate this all once more when it gets closer to Christmas....without burning the house down!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Black Friday
I’m a seasoned Black Friday shopper, it wouldn’t be right to skip one of the best days of the year. On the other hand, Aaron has never experienced Black Friday and had no desire too. Well that is fine except I really needed his help this year and he was a good sport about agreeing to this. I must say, you would have thought he was a seasoned Black Friday shopper, he handled the day like a trooper.
So 1:30 am the alarms go off. That’s right, time to get up! Got in line at Super Target at 2:30 am. We were probably 100 people back in line at that time. We were prepared for the 1 ½ wait (doors didn’t open till 4 am). I had on leggings and fleece pants, boots, a long sleeve shirt and a sweater, my heavy winter coat, gloves, and a hat. Over that I had a double fleece blanket wrapped around me. Aaron too was bundled up, long underwear and jeans, sweatshirt, hat, etc. We weren’t cold, only our toes were so we wished we would have worn thicker socks.
So the doors open and we took off on a dead sprint thru the store for this TV. I got my hands on one and couldn’t find Aaron. I called Aaron and he had already checked out with the TV. Man, talk about good work! I gave away the TV I had my hands on which was appreciated because they were gone in a matter of minutes. So we loaded up the TV and left Target before the line outside was even all the way in yet. Good start!
From there we went over to Best Buy. Aaron wanted a laptop. We found out they were all gone via tickets given out in line but advised to come back at 9 am to see if any go unclaimed. So we left there and went to Mendards. Mendards was absolutely insane! What a zoo. There we were looking for a shop vac as we needed it as a gift for someone, it was a hot item but we got it. Thanks again to Aaron’s quick work on that one!
From there we went home unloaded, stripped off a layer of clothing and headed to the mall. The mall opened at midnight and since it was 6 am, it was pretty dead as the crowd had already shuffled thru. We got everything on our list at the mall, another success. Left the mall and headed over to Best Buy for the 9 am line. Got an unclaimed laptop!
Most successful Black Friday I’ve ever had! Got 90%+ of our Christmas shopping done and really didn’t have much trouble finding our items. I think our pre-planning, strategizing and team work was the driving component of our successful day. By noon we were wiped out and done, ready to go home and get some sleep. I asked Aaron if he is ready for Black Friday next year and he said it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be but would rather not participate unless needed again. HA, spoken like a true man.
So 1:30 am the alarms go off. That’s right, time to get up! Got in line at Super Target at 2:30 am. We were probably 100 people back in line at that time. We were prepared for the 1 ½ wait (doors didn’t open till 4 am). I had on leggings and fleece pants, boots, a long sleeve shirt and a sweater, my heavy winter coat, gloves, and a hat. Over that I had a double fleece blanket wrapped around me. Aaron too was bundled up, long underwear and jeans, sweatshirt, hat, etc. We weren’t cold, only our toes were so we wished we would have worn thicker socks.
So the doors open and we took off on a dead sprint thru the store for this TV. I got my hands on one and couldn’t find Aaron. I called Aaron and he had already checked out with the TV. Man, talk about good work! I gave away the TV I had my hands on which was appreciated because they were gone in a matter of minutes. So we loaded up the TV and left Target before the line outside was even all the way in yet. Good start!
From there we went over to Best Buy. Aaron wanted a laptop. We found out they were all gone via tickets given out in line but advised to come back at 9 am to see if any go unclaimed. So we left there and went to Mendards. Mendards was absolutely insane! What a zoo. There we were looking for a shop vac as we needed it as a gift for someone, it was a hot item but we got it. Thanks again to Aaron’s quick work on that one!
From there we went home unloaded, stripped off a layer of clothing and headed to the mall. The mall opened at midnight and since it was 6 am, it was pretty dead as the crowd had already shuffled thru. We got everything on our list at the mall, another success. Left the mall and headed over to Best Buy for the 9 am line. Got an unclaimed laptop!
Most successful Black Friday I’ve ever had! Got 90%+ of our Christmas shopping done and really didn’t have much trouble finding our items. I think our pre-planning, strategizing and team work was the driving component of our successful day. By noon we were wiped out and done, ready to go home and get some sleep. I asked Aaron if he is ready for Black Friday next year and he said it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be but would rather not participate unless needed again. HA, spoken like a true man.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Turkey Day!
We love Turkey Day. Gooble Gooble. We went to the Hyde's for Thanksgiving and had a nice visit. Saturday I made Aaron and I our own turkey dinner. I didn't make a whole turkey but do have a desire to give it a try with some expertise help... maybe next year.
So I roasted a turkey breast, gravy, mash potatoes, corn, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, and pumpkin cheesecake. All gluten-free. I LOVE turkey day leftovers, makes meal planning for the week pretty simple too! My question though is why is it my husband eats leftovers for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Yes, I said breakfast. He will eat lasagna for breakfast. Gross. It's drives me crazy when I see him eating lunch food for breakfast, my goal is to make those left overs last longer than a few days so I don't have to cook and here he is making a mash potato/macaroni cheese omelet. Disgusting. Anything in the fridge goes when it comes to his morning eggs. This morning he even put hummus in his eggs, really...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Work Out Update
So as mentioned in a previous post, I’m sharing my exercise routine my personal trainer is having me do. I call him my trainer but I don’t pay for his services, so basically we are meeting once a month, he sets up a workout plan and walks me thru it to make sure I’m doing each exercise right, takes my measurements, and maintains parts of my bodybugg. If I was to pay him, my workout would change daily, I would meet with him more frequently and I would be broke because he is $600 for 14 sessions so I think I’m getting a deal for what he has agreed to do for free!
Last week he took my measurements, last time we did this was Oct 11th. By following his plan, I lost 3 inches in my waist! I lost 3 lbs, 3% body fat, 1 inches in my arms, but gained 1 inch in my hips. Ya, I freaked out when he told me this. How in the world do you lose or maintain in all areas but my hips grew by an inch? Makes no sense but he said don't worry about it and I should lose it by my next measurement date. Overall I think my bodybugg is paying off.
So here is what he has me doing. The below exercises I do every other day. The cardio I do at the end is 20 minutes of rolling hills on the elliptical at a level 2. On the days I don’t do this, I do interval running on the treadmill for 45 minutes at a 1.5 incline the entire time (when my shins can handle it or else it’s a flat run). So cardio everyday. Rotate between the two workouts 6 days a week, 1 day rest.
(First 3 are stretches)
Calves 2 sets @ 20 sec/hold (I use a roller and roll out my calves)
Hip Flexors 2 sets @ 20 sec/hold
Neck/Traps 1 arm behind back, pull head with other arm (good for knots in my neck)
Back Lunges: 2 sets of 20 (10/side)
Good Mornings: 2 sets of 20 reps with weighted bar
Squats: 4 sets of 15 reps w/ 10 lbs barbells, use a box that is one foot off the ground and squat until your butt touches this box.
Bent Over Rows: 4 sets of 15 reps w/ 10 lbs. barbells
Planks: 4 sets @ 1 minute. 30 sec breaks in-between each set
Push Ups: 4 sets of 10 reps
Shoulder Presses:4 sets of 15 reps w/ 5-10 lbs. barbells
Cable Twists: 2 sets of 15/side w/ 10 lbs. barbells
Cardio: 20 minutes
You can look up how do each of these exercises on the internet.
Okay for the honest part now, I rarely go 6 days a week. It is normally 4, maybe 5 times on a really good week but I do follow all the exercises when I am there. I still eat a lot of crap. I can think of a million other things I’d rather do than work out. My motivation to go to the gym sucks. I can easily talk myself out of it. I get frustrated when my shins splints kick in or just how time consuming working out can be. Fit people are only somewhat motivating, more so depressing to look at because I know how much work it takes to look like that. Working out doesn’t come easy for me anymore, it’s hard. It’s hard to push myself at times. I struggle big time between what my main focus should be, health and not self-image. Ugg.
Now something funny. Last night I kept getting a whiff of someone and I was like holy smokes who is stinky? Yep, it was me :) I didn’t realize it right away. I was the smelly kid. Every time the fan swirled around, I got a taste of my own medicine. Here I am, trying to blame someone else for my stinky pits.
Last week he took my measurements, last time we did this was Oct 11th. By following his plan, I lost 3 inches in my waist! I lost 3 lbs, 3% body fat, 1 inches in my arms, but gained 1 inch in my hips. Ya, I freaked out when he told me this. How in the world do you lose or maintain in all areas but my hips grew by an inch? Makes no sense but he said don't worry about it and I should lose it by my next measurement date. Overall I think my bodybugg is paying off.
So here is what he has me doing. The below exercises I do every other day. The cardio I do at the end is 20 minutes of rolling hills on the elliptical at a level 2. On the days I don’t do this, I do interval running on the treadmill for 45 minutes at a 1.5 incline the entire time (when my shins can handle it or else it’s a flat run). So cardio everyday. Rotate between the two workouts 6 days a week, 1 day rest.
(First 3 are stretches)
Calves 2 sets @ 20 sec/hold (I use a roller and roll out my calves)
Hip Flexors 2 sets @ 20 sec/hold
Neck/Traps 1 arm behind back, pull head with other arm (good for knots in my neck)
Back Lunges: 2 sets of 20 (10/side)
Good Mornings: 2 sets of 20 reps with weighted bar
Squats: 4 sets of 15 reps w/ 10 lbs barbells, use a box that is one foot off the ground and squat until your butt touches this box.
Bent Over Rows: 4 sets of 15 reps w/ 10 lbs. barbells
Planks: 4 sets @ 1 minute. 30 sec breaks in-between each set
Push Ups: 4 sets of 10 reps
Shoulder Presses:4 sets of 15 reps w/ 5-10 lbs. barbells
Cable Twists: 2 sets of 15/side w/ 10 lbs. barbells
Cardio: 20 minutes
You can look up how do each of these exercises on the internet.
Okay for the honest part now, I rarely go 6 days a week. It is normally 4, maybe 5 times on a really good week but I do follow all the exercises when I am there. I still eat a lot of crap. I can think of a million other things I’d rather do than work out. My motivation to go to the gym sucks. I can easily talk myself out of it. I get frustrated when my shins splints kick in or just how time consuming working out can be. Fit people are only somewhat motivating, more so depressing to look at because I know how much work it takes to look like that. Working out doesn’t come easy for me anymore, it’s hard. It’s hard to push myself at times. I struggle big time between what my main focus should be, health and not self-image. Ugg.
Now something funny. Last night I kept getting a whiff of someone and I was like holy smokes who is stinky? Yep, it was me :) I didn’t realize it right away. I was the smelly kid. Every time the fan swirled around, I got a taste of my own medicine. Here I am, trying to blame someone else for my stinky pits.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
More Kraft Recipes
Been awhile since I’ve posted a recipe so I have 2 to share that I have recently tried and both made it to my recipe box. Unfortunately I was too hungry and forgot to take a picture of the finished product but the pics in the links are pretty much what it ends up looking like. Now I didn’t serve these two recipes together, the carrots were a side dish to chicken and potatoes and the pasta dish I just served with a little bread and butter. Both are delicious!
1) Balsamic Carrots, a different twist to a side dish, looks fancy too! (I omitted the brown sugar, between the carrots themselves and the dressing, that is sweet enough for me):
2) Creamy Baked Ziti, great comfort dish! I suppose you could add meat to it but we liked it as is. This one is easy to cut a few calories back by substituting reduced fat options and whole grain pasta:
Found the carrot recipe in my Kraft magazine subscription and the pasta one on kraft’s website. Oh kraft.com how you make my life easier, I’m in love with you!
1) Balsamic Carrots, a different twist to a side dish, looks fancy too! (I omitted the brown sugar, between the carrots themselves and the dressing, that is sweet enough for me):
2) Creamy Baked Ziti, great comfort dish! I suppose you could add meat to it but we liked it as is. This one is easy to cut a few calories back by substituting reduced fat options and whole grain pasta:
Found the carrot recipe in my Kraft magazine subscription and the pasta one on kraft’s website. Oh kraft.com how you make my life easier, I’m in love with you!
Monday, November 22, 2010
November Love
I Love the Month of November….
November is one of my favorite months of the year!
• Aaron and I started dating November 2005
• Our wedding anniversary is November 7, 2009
• Black Friday! Need I say more.
• People start to get into the Christmas Spirit
• Thanksgiving Day – oh how I love turkey!
• I’m excited to wear sweaters whereas by February I’m sick of sweaters
• Christmas music starts to play on the radio
• Time to stop doing yard work! I do NOT like yard work!
• Day Light Savings Time – yeah for an extra hour of sleep!
• And best of all… the chilly weather promotes snuggling with my husband... cuddle up on the sofa and watch a movie!
November is one of my favorite months of the year!
• Aaron and I started dating November 2005
• Our wedding anniversary is November 7, 2009
• Black Friday! Need I say more.
• People start to get into the Christmas Spirit
• Thanksgiving Day – oh how I love turkey!
• I’m excited to wear sweaters whereas by February I’m sick of sweaters
• Christmas music starts to play on the radio
• Time to stop doing yard work! I do NOT like yard work!
• Day Light Savings Time – yeah for an extra hour of sleep!
• And best of all… the chilly weather promotes snuggling with my husband... cuddle up on the sofa and watch a movie!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
MyPanera Cards!
My favorite restaurant in the whole wide world Panera Bread now has reward points! Already earned a free smoothie/espresso drink. YES!! Ask the cashier for a mypanera card. Life gets better every day!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A Darn Good Reason to CELEBRATE!!!
Last weekend we celebrated our anniversary even though it was actually on the 7th, this past weekend worked out better. Saturday we got massages, always a good way to start out a weekend of relaxation. Then off to Holiday Inn where we had our reception. We relaxed in the hotel’s hot tub and then went to dinner at Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse (restaurant attached to the hotel). When we arrived to our table, there was already a bottle of champagne waiting for us. What we had for our wedding dinner they do not have on the menu anymore, but since we gave them notice when we made our reservations, they were able to make this meal especially for us. How nice! In addition to our free bottle of champagne, they also gave us free dessert too. Awesome perks!
On Sunday, we ordered breakfast in bed. Then we went home and put up our Christmas tree, played Christmas music, and had some wine. To end the night we ordered in pizza and watched a movie.
This was really the perfect weekend; I really didn’t want to travel anywhere far to just relax. It helped to stay at the hotel away from home so we were forced to relax. I could use a weekend like this once a month; it was exactly what we needed. Aaron said he called the hotel on 8 occasions to make sure everything was set up according to plan. On top of the 5 emails I sent to Holiday Inn confirming everything also… they definitely know who we are! Called us by name when they saw us, ha ha!
The weekend before, we had exchanged gifts. I was really nervous because I didn’t have a gift idea for Aaron and found out he had already bought my gift without even asking me for any ideas! We never talked about expectations and he wouldn’t give me any information so I was stuck trying to figure this out on my own. Luckily there was a watch that had caught his eye when we were out in San Francisco earlier this year. Only problem… no one around here sells the brand Swatch! So I had to order it online and Aaron was very happy with the watch when it arrived.

I was surprised to find that Aaron had bought me an anniversary band for my wedding ring! It is the exact same as my wedding band, it just gets added onto the top of my ring. He did a good job and he had me stumped, the jewelry store had the info on file so he didn’t even need my ring to get this. He also always gets the best cards; he knows how much I love cards and never fails at getting the perfect sentimental card.
All in all, great weekend, great 1st year and already well onto our 2nd year of marriage together!
Cinnamon Ice Cream and Chocolate Cake - Yum! |
On Sunday, we ordered breakfast in bed. Then we went home and put up our Christmas tree, played Christmas music, and had some wine. To end the night we ordered in pizza and watched a movie.
Santa's Little Helper! |
This was really the perfect weekend; I really didn’t want to travel anywhere far to just relax. It helped to stay at the hotel away from home so we were forced to relax. I could use a weekend like this once a month; it was exactly what we needed. Aaron said he called the hotel on 8 occasions to make sure everything was set up according to plan. On top of the 5 emails I sent to Holiday Inn confirming everything also… they definitely know who we are! Called us by name when they saw us, ha ha!
The weekend before, we had exchanged gifts. I was really nervous because I didn’t have a gift idea for Aaron and found out he had already bought my gift without even asking me for any ideas! We never talked about expectations and he wouldn’t give me any information so I was stuck trying to figure this out on my own. Luckily there was a watch that had caught his eye when we were out in San Francisco earlier this year. Only problem… no one around here sells the brand Swatch! So I had to order it online and Aaron was very happy with the watch when it arrived.
I was surprised to find that Aaron had bought me an anniversary band for my wedding ring! It is the exact same as my wedding band, it just gets added onto the top of my ring. He did a good job and he had me stumped, the jewelry store had the info on file so he didn’t even need my ring to get this. He also always gets the best cards; he knows how much I love cards and never fails at getting the perfect sentimental card.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Body Bugg
Early last month, I bought a Body Bugg and have been using it every day since. A Body Bugg basically is an armband that collects data from your body with over 90% accuracy such as calories burned. The Body Bugg is pretty much useless without the subscription to the program. The program uploads the info from your Body Bugg for analysis. One of the biggest draw backs of the Bugg is that it doesn’t tell you how much you are consuming, I have to manually input this information which does get easier after the first few weeks because I tend to eat the same things over and over and the program keeps all the nutritional inputs on file.
This program can do a lot! I can easily tell where I am at for caloric intake/burn, same goes for nutrition – easily tell my fat/fiber/protein/etc intake at a quick glance, it also has a pedometer so I can track my steps, I can tell how much I’m burning down to any minute or time frame in a day, I can look at my data averages for any specified time range (week/month).
One perk is that since I bought it from my gym I get assistance from a personal trainer to help keep me on track. Since I'm familiar with all the trainers at my gym, I knew who to work with (I have a good idea of who knows their stuff!). This was a bonus because he tailors my workouts each month for me and inputs all my updated measurements into my Bugg so I don’t have to.
When I first got the Bugg, it was somewhat annoying to wear but I’ve gotten use to it. I only take it off to shower and sleep. The new Bugg is smaller, most of the time no one even notices it, especially since it's long sleeve season, whereas the older version was more bulky/noticeable. It stores up to 2 weeks of info but I upload once or twice a day. It also only needs charged once a week so normally I do that Sunday nights.
It is definitely keeping me more in-tuned to my diet/exercise. Sometimes I get so excited when I’m at the gym because I am sweating a lot and can’t wait to get home to see how much I burned. It definitely makes me push myself more so that I have a better burn each day.
I will post the workout the personal trainer has me doing in an upcoming blog post, it’s pretty good. I would recommend the Body Bugg, there are a few minor things I dislike about it but overall it’s a great tool and worth spending on.
This program can do a lot! I can easily tell where I am at for caloric intake/burn, same goes for nutrition – easily tell my fat/fiber/protein/etc intake at a quick glance, it also has a pedometer so I can track my steps, I can tell how much I’m burning down to any minute or time frame in a day, I can look at my data averages for any specified time range (week/month).
One perk is that since I bought it from my gym I get assistance from a personal trainer to help keep me on track. Since I'm familiar with all the trainers at my gym, I knew who to work with (I have a good idea of who knows their stuff!). This was a bonus because he tailors my workouts each month for me and inputs all my updated measurements into my Bugg so I don’t have to.
When I first got the Bugg, it was somewhat annoying to wear but I’ve gotten use to it. I only take it off to shower and sleep. The new Bugg is smaller, most of the time no one even notices it, especially since it's long sleeve season, whereas the older version was more bulky/noticeable. It stores up to 2 weeks of info but I upload once or twice a day. It also only needs charged once a week so normally I do that Sunday nights.
It is definitely keeping me more in-tuned to my diet/exercise. Sometimes I get so excited when I’m at the gym because I am sweating a lot and can’t wait to get home to see how much I burned. It definitely makes me push myself more so that I have a better burn each day.
I will post the workout the personal trainer has me doing in an upcoming blog post, it’s pretty good. I would recommend the Body Bugg, there are a few minor things I dislike about it but overall it’s a great tool and worth spending on.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Good Message for a Wednesday!
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Our 1st Year Anniversary!
YAY! Our one year anniversary is here! Can’t believe we are already celebrating our one year anniversary, it flew by. I’ll have two blog postings, this one in which I will recap the year and another post about how we celebrated.
What words sum up this past year…craziness, happiness, sadness, love, life lessons, emotion-filled, companionship, blessed… Let me explain. We’ve experienced more this first year than we have in all the years we’ve been together.
Craziness/Sadness/Emotion-Filled/Life lessons – well we’ve gotten our fair share of upsets this year. Luckily what we have gone thru this year we did not do alone but we had each other through it all. This past year seemed like an emotional roller coaster with the passing of our friend Chris, my Grandpa’s burst aneurysm and a lot of other unfortunate news from friends/family. From the outlook of how it affected our marriage, it definitely made us stronger as a couple. We’ve talked about how life is too short to let it pass by. We have a better understanding and a changed perspective of what we want out of life and we both agree on what we want for our future. For both Aaron and I who don’t like to show and talk thru emotion, this year forced us to do so. Overall, like I said, it made us stronger and I’m thankful for that.
Love/Companionship – we definitely love the one-on-one time we have together and cherish it far more than we ever have before. There is just something about being at home with my husband doing nothing that is awesome. I can be totally myself around him and he knows me so well that I don’t have to explain why I am the way I am. And vice versa… We are two peas in a pod!
Happiness – our honeymoon to Napa Valley this year was a lot of fun. We’ve gone to a lot of weddings this year, actually spent the evening before our anniversary at a wedding reception! We’ve shared some good belly laughs this year (especially thinking of instances we’ve shared with Aaron’s friend Mark and my sister Heather). A lot of good conversations have taken place in the car since we’ve been on the go a lot this year. Little acts of kindness to each other have brought us happiness. We are definitely still goofballs that like to make each other laugh every day.
Blessed! We are definitely very blessed. I’m so blessed to have a GREAT husband who loves me and makes me feel special. Blessed to have great family. Blessed to have great friends. Blessed to have a good house. Blessed to have jobs. Blessed that we are happy. Blessed to have Faith. Blessed that our marriage has only grown stronger over the year. Blessed that we realize the importance of marriage.
So Happy Anniversary to my Snuggle Bug! I can’t wait for year 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 25 and 50 and 65 and … well not sure how many anniversaries we will share but we have a lifetime's worth to look forward to!
What words sum up this past year…craziness, happiness, sadness, love, life lessons, emotion-filled, companionship, blessed… Let me explain. We’ve experienced more this first year than we have in all the years we’ve been together.
Craziness/Sadness/Emotion-Filled/Life lessons – well we’ve gotten our fair share of upsets this year. Luckily what we have gone thru this year we did not do alone but we had each other through it all. This past year seemed like an emotional roller coaster with the passing of our friend Chris, my Grandpa’s burst aneurysm and a lot of other unfortunate news from friends/family. From the outlook of how it affected our marriage, it definitely made us stronger as a couple. We’ve talked about how life is too short to let it pass by. We have a better understanding and a changed perspective of what we want out of life and we both agree on what we want for our future. For both Aaron and I who don’t like to show and talk thru emotion, this year forced us to do so. Overall, like I said, it made us stronger and I’m thankful for that.
Love/Companionship – we definitely love the one-on-one time we have together and cherish it far more than we ever have before. There is just something about being at home with my husband doing nothing that is awesome. I can be totally myself around him and he knows me so well that I don’t have to explain why I am the way I am. And vice versa… We are two peas in a pod!
Happiness – our honeymoon to Napa Valley this year was a lot of fun. We’ve gone to a lot of weddings this year, actually spent the evening before our anniversary at a wedding reception! We’ve shared some good belly laughs this year (especially thinking of instances we’ve shared with Aaron’s friend Mark and my sister Heather). A lot of good conversations have taken place in the car since we’ve been on the go a lot this year. Little acts of kindness to each other have brought us happiness. We are definitely still goofballs that like to make each other laugh every day.
Blessed! We are definitely very blessed. I’m so blessed to have a GREAT husband who loves me and makes me feel special. Blessed to have great family. Blessed to have great friends. Blessed to have a good house. Blessed to have jobs. Blessed that we are happy. Blessed to have Faith. Blessed that our marriage has only grown stronger over the year. Blessed that we realize the importance of marriage.
So Happy Anniversary to my Snuggle Bug! I can’t wait for year 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 25 and 50 and 65 and … well not sure how many anniversaries we will share but we have a lifetime's worth to look forward to!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
National Men Make Dinner Day -- Yes someone was brilliant enough to make this a national holiday!
Did you know that today is National Men Make Dinner Day? I didn’t but my man is about to be informed! :) Thank you kraft.com for bringing this to my attention!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween Went Back In Time....
No need to adjust your screen folks... you are seeing this correctly... crimped hair, mesh shirt, Rustler jean shorts (very short!), lace, tight tees, leopard print, bows, lots of hair, white socks, sweat band..(aka that t-shirt that is wrapped around Aaron's head - ha!), yes it was a throw back for Halloween this year! Two years ago we did 70s, this year we did 80s. The clothing really inspires some never seen before dance moves as well, it's amazing how a little pizazz in an outfit can bring out some personality!
How much shorter could he have gotten them? |
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