Friday, December 20, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: Week 25 & 26

Week 25:
Had my first ‘stranger experience’ and good golly was it strange!  So we were standing in line on Black Friday at Gymboree and the lady ahead of me turns around and with a big smile on her face, she grabs the little newborn dress out of my hand and places it on my tummy and then takes a step back and laughs really hard at me and walks away.  And I just stood there with the little dress as if it was velcro’d onto my tummy.  And turned around to Aaron and go “Was that lady drunk?!?  What the hell!”  We laughed about it but I was like seriously, who does that!

My sugar cravings are out of control.  And it’s not just normal sugar cravings, I’m craving super sugary things, like grape laffy taffy’s, gummy bears and Mike and Ike’s.  I had a Cinnabon at the mall and treasured every single bite. I was going to offer Aaron a bite then thought, nah.. if he wants one he can get his own. I really want cookies.  Flipping thru holiday baking magazines just makes me drool all over myself.  If it was acceptable to just eat sugar for each meal, I’d do it.  What sounds good for dinner?  Well a big piece of cheesecake does, forget the main courses just give me a plate full of cheesecake. 

I’m also really missing wine.  Our tree is up and the holidays just make me want to sip on a good dry red wine badly.  The fake non-alcohol stuff just isn't cutting it. Aaron feels bad about drinking in front of me, I tell him to go ahead and do it, I gotta suck it up!  My philosophy is, if I can’t give up something for 9 months, how in the world will I ever be prepared for all the changes that are about to come?  It’s a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things but I told Aaron our first post baby date will be a cheese and wine dinner date.  I’m really looking forward to that!

Week 26:
Well I have yet to have any meltdowns.  No hormonal outrages.  I’ve even double checked with Aaron in case I had an unconscious burst of hormones that I was unaware of and he said he can attest I have been even keel thru this whole pregnancy thus far.  Which makes me wonder if it will all hit once the baby comes… I’m pretty much fully preparing myself for the worse.  A screaming baby, up all hours of the night, getting puked and pooped on, which all sounds like future meltdowns for me… ya I’m pretty much expecting the worse but hoping for the best. 

Sleeping is miserable.  I feel like this baby girl is preparing me for sleepless nights already.  Not only am I uncomfortable, waking up what seems like all hours of the night but I also am just having troubles rolling over, pulling myself out of bed, etc.  For instance, the other night the TV was left on and I tried to roll over to reach the remote.  After 3 failed attempts at getting myself to roll over, I just gave up.  It’s like my belly is a buoy, I try to go one side and I just wobble in the middle.

It kinda seems like I’m always complaining doesn't it?  I have a serious new found respect for pregnant women.  It’s not as bad as I make it sound…but I’ll be sure glad to be over with it!  I take notice now when I’m out and about to pregnant women, I give them a mental ‘high five’ like ‘I totally know how you feel’ high five.   

Most days I do wake up and deep down I’m super happy to be going thru this, ready to take labor head on!  And then there are the few days I wake up and go “Oh crap, I’m pregnant and there is no un-doing this now!”  Although, even on those days I have that thought, I wouldn't change being pregnant if I could.  That was more of a first trimester thought, I'm like 95% mentally committed to this whole baby thing now.  Good thing I have 3 more months to get 100% committed right?  I'll be 110% committed by the time March gets here.  Going thru labor hasn’t fully sunk in for me, I feel brave enough to take it on but part of me is  freaking out too.  My thought is, it can’t be that bad or else why do women continue to have babies?  Believe me, I will let you know how bad it is!  I have a feeling I’ll report back that it isn't as bad as I thought it would be but trust me… I’ll be honest about it either way.  So don’t ask unless you REALLY want to know J

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