Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 23 & 24 Pregnancy Journal

Week 23 & 24:
The weeks have started to run together and I’m playing catch up on the journal.  My tummy started growing like crazy during the last 2 weeks, hit a growth spurt and it’s kinda freaky how quickly it happened.  I’m having a little bit of a hard time adjusting to all these changes but just trying to tell myself that I have to accept them, it’s all part of the process.  The one thing that drives me completely nuts is when I’m talking to someone and it’s like they are talking to my stomach, it’s like HELLO I’m up here, please don’t stare at my stomach while you are talking to me!  Maybe I’m just over conscious of it.

The biggest change is I’m starting to get a little more tired.  We’ve been on-the-go constantly over the past few weeks and I’m just totally wiped out by the end of the day.  And my feet are killing me!  They aren’t swelling by the looks of them but they start to throb if I’m on them for too long.  Aaron has been awesome with giving me foot massages on request, which is about daily and I’ve been getting prenatal massages at the spa more frequently, which is a nice little treat. 

Even putting on my socks seems difficult!  It’s ridiculous to have to bend to the side to pull my socks on.  Or ask Aaron in the middle of a store to bend down and tie my shoe for me.   This tummy just really gets in the way of things and seems daily that I turn around and it runs into a side of a door, UGG!

And who says that pregnant women glow?  I sure don’t glow.  I look pasty white.  I’m applying bronzer like it’s my job because I have no color at all; my beautiful Cancun tan from earlier this year is completely gone.

I am feeling a lot more kicks and I do love feeling her kick.  I never thought I would but it’s just so reassuring feeling her kick around inside me, I think I worry too much and wonder if she is okay in there.  She is quite the kicker in the middle of the night, which has me a little worried about her being a night owl.  At 2-3:30 am, she really starts to kick up a storm.  So what do I do?  I shake Aaron awake and grab his hand and tell him to feel these kicks.  So he wakes up and might feel one, if that, it’s like she’s shy around him or something because as soon as he puts his hand where she has been kicking, she stops.  So I tell him, just wait and be patient she will kick again and with his hand on my tummy in the middle of the night, I start to hear Aaron snore and I’m like really?!?!  You can’t just wake up for 5 minutes to feel a kick!  So I lay there slightly annoyed, even though I know that when I get woken up, I’m the same way.  I figure, heck if I can’t sleep then he shouldn’t get to either right? Just kidding, I get it, I just want him to feel these kicks too.

I’ve been nesting like crazy, which doesn’t surprise me.  Anyone who knows me probably would assume I would be one heck of a nester.  Aaron is getting pretty tired of my ‘honey-do’ list but we’ve made a lot of progress around the house and we are pretty close to having my ‘nesting’ list done.  But who am I kidding?  I will have a never ending nesting list from now until the baby comes, I can always think of more things that needs done once we get thru the current list! 

Thanks Jackee for your hand-me down maternity dress :)

Hanging in there... or should I say hanging OUT there, ha!

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