Sunday, August 4, 2013

Charley's 2nd Birthday

It was a big weekend for our sweet Charley, she turned 2!!  And we’re excited for her.  Last year we had a big party, this year it’s just Aaron, me and a fun day planned for Miss Charley.  We went to the dog bakery, a visit to the dog park, ice cream at DQ, lots of belly scratches and car rides galore.  She is quite spoiled but it’s well deserved, she is a pretty good pup and we just love her to pieces!  

Wake up Charley, it's your bday!  As usual, she is half way under the bed every morning and usually takes some coaxing to wake up

First thing we do once awake, is make sure there aren't any squirrels in the front yard. Coast was clear!

Then it's to her living room bed as she is like her mom, wakes up slowly

So what has changed in the past year?  Not much.  She is still extremely playful, at times too playful as Aaron and I just want to relax sometimes.  But she is a great snuggler though, when it comes to down time, she knows how snuggle right in with me.  The best is when she rests her head over my legs.  It’s just so sweet. 

Mom's bad joke, fake squirrel present.  Mainly for my own humor. 

That 'squirrel' got Charley attention!

Darted straight to it, then timidly assessed it and realized it was fake and she actually seemed mad at me for messing with her like that

More interested in her old tennis ball rather than the fake squirrel

 We still are good with other dogs, kids and visitors.  We still attend doggie daycare from time to time which has been great to burn energy and socialize with other dogs.   With visitors, she still gets super excited and begs for all their attention so we are still working on getting her to calm down when people are over. 

At Three Dog Bakery, picking out a special bday treat

So many to choose from! 

This one looks real special and tasty

So good patiently waiting for her okay to take her treat


"Oh Ya, found some shade" 


Aaron and I have successfully still never given her table scraps.  It’s actually easy not to when Charley doesn’t know any better so she never begs.  I can eat anywhere in the house and she usually is minding her own business.  She knows playtime isn’t allowed while we are eating.  She still goes to ‘time-out’ from time to time but for the most part, she is a good dog. 

Running with our friends at the dog park

We LOVE the dog park

Mom and Dad love to see me run because it means I'll be extra tired

Sitting so pretty

Running with our tongue out

Galloping along on the park trail

Tired? Perfect!  

All smiles!

So tired mom, gotta prop myself up with my hand

Lately she really loves watching squirrels.  She goes nuts, luckily not in barking fits but usually paces the front window attentive to what the squirrels are doing.   It actually cracks me up to just sit and watch her be on squirrel patrol.  And she knows a lot of words, squirrel being one of them.  When you say squirrel, she darts to the window and looks for one.  It’s hilarious.

DQ Ice Cream Pup Cup

We love trips to DQ

2 bday treats in one day! 

All day while we are at work she sleeps, normally she changes her sleeping spot every few months.  Lately I’ve been finding her asleep on the guest room floor when I come home.  She handles being home all day pretty well.  We still let her out over lunch but do think she could manage all day now.  She still is in the “play hard/sleep hard” puppy mode. 

After all that bday action, time to go home, naps for all!
Nothing beats our fluffy family member, she brightens each day.  Charley, you are just the best and it's great to celebrate a day just for her! 

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