Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pregnancy Journal: Week 19 - 20

Week 19:

Still not feeling a darn thing!  It's making me real anxious to get into my appt in a few weeks just to ensure everything is okay.  Just want to hear that heartbeat and be reassured everything looks good.  

Not sure if I've mentioned this before but we do have a full name picked out.  In fact, we've had our kiddos names picked out for a long time, before we were married in fact and we still like them today so there is no discussions to be had about names, it's already figured out!  But it is top secret, sorry!  I can tell you that her first name is a very common name but you don't hear of it often any more.  Her middle name is more unique, I don't know anyone who has the middle name she has!  We call her by her name a lot so we have to be careful that we don't slip when talking to others and share her name accidentally.  Mainly keeping it to ourselves because we really don't need other people's opinions on her name that would sway us to change our minds, we are confident in her name but just to be on the safe side, we are keeping it to ourselves. 

I tried a prenatal yoga class this week, won't be going back!  It was just a little "too much" for me.  The class started out with a video of a gentle c-section.  Okay, I've seen many birthing/c-section videos on TV, watching the video didn't bother me at all but I guess I didn't understand what was so gentle about it, didn't look any different than any c-section I've seen on TV.  Then we got into the yoga part.  We were in this weird squat move and the instructor said the dreaded words "this move is great if you are experiencing hemorrhoids."  WHAT?!?!  I lost all focus.  She said the biggest fear of mine.  Sorry I even have to go here on this subject matter but I am about to... Most people fear pooping on the bed during labor, not me, in fact I'd be real surprised if I don't poop the bed.  My fear is definitely hemorrhoids from trying to hard and long of pushing that baby out.  I've read about it.  Sounds like it's very possible to get them from pushing too much.  Freaks me out.  I am going to make it real clear to my doctor that is one of my number one fears.  Gross.  Then the yoga instructor talked about how some women eat their own placentas after having their baby.  Okay I've heard about this, totally gross.  She talked about how she turned her own placenta into capsules and it really helped out with her baby blues.  Okay, I could maybe eat my own placenta if it was encapsulated but that all just seems too hippie to me.  Like I said, the class was just a little too much.  I was surrounded with pregnant women all rubbing their bellies, talking about eating their own placentas and doing moves to relieve their hemorrhoids.  Not exactly my type of crowd... I may try a different prenatal yoga class or just find a video to do at home.  

Week 20: 

Whoo hooo!!  Made it to the half way point!  The first trimester went slow but now things are moving along and looking back, the first half went pretty quick.  Which means, the last half probably will too especially throwing the holidays in there as well.  

I think I am feeling the baby kick!  I wasn't sure at first but I'm now convinced I'm feeling our little bambino moving around and kicking in there.  I guess I was expecting something more distinct, like a sucker punch to the stomach but rather it feels more like a muscle twitch in the middle of my stomach.  I guess she's just a little thing and doesn't have much force behind those kicks so a muscle twitch rather than a sucker punch makes more sense.  I thought the kicks would freak me out but they don't at all, they are kinda fun and tend to be real still and wait for the next one because they do seem to come on in intervals. 

Had my 20 week appointment and Baby Girl looks great!  Everything checked out and she is already 13 ounces and approximately 6 inches from head to rump.  So reassuring to hear the heartbeat and just see her moving around and doing well.  I don't know why I was freaking myself out thinking something may be wrong but was so at ease to know that wasn't the case.  Feeling her kicks a few days before the appt really helped to ease me too, I think I was just anxious to start feeling something and I sure am now! 

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