Monday, January 11, 2016

Baby C Update

Great news -- my second perinatal appointment went great today!   As I had mentioned in my previous post, I felt more confident and reassured going into this appointment because I feel like my tummy has grown and Baby C has been on the move, which were all good signs to me that all is well.  The ultrasound tech at this appointment actually was telling me during the ultrasound that everything was looking  good, which I know they really aren’t obligated to say one way or another how the ultrasound is going but she was giving me reassurance thru the ultrasound and even told me that Baby C was measuring right where she needed to be.  Wheew!  What a relief, I actually felt like I could relax and enjoy watching the ultrasound this time around.

When the doctor came in, she further confirmed all looks good and they checked again for any open tube defects and again none are present.  At this point, she says it’s pretty rare and highly unlikely that Baby C has an open tube defect, what they won’t be able to determine until she is born is if she has a closed tube defect, but again the chances of that is less than an open tube scenario.  It sounds like to me that closed tube defects aren’t nearly as scary or life impairing as open tube from what I’m gathering.  Again, I refuse to put any trust in Google and have made a promise to myself {and to God} that I won’t Google anything unless we are certain we have a need to further educate ourselves in something that becomes our reality, in the meantime ‘what-ifs’ research does no good and only creates unnecessary stress and worry.

The doctor also made an offhand comment that made me realize again that her growth and health is still nothing short of a miracle compared to my AFP levels.  She said that when she started to review my ultrasound results she didn’t realize it was for my ultrasound, then when she realized it was for me, she ‘gasped with excitement’ – her words.  So basically again since my AFP levels are so bad, she’s beyond thrilled that I’ve made it over half way thru this pregnancy with no issues.   It is beyond humbling to me to know that I’m truly fortunate and that God has answered our prayers. 

I don’t need to be seen again by my perinatal doctor until another 4 weeks from now – or basically at the beginning of my 3rd trimester.  Until then, I’m going to remain hopeful, optimistic and prayerful that all will continue going well.  And especially prayerful that I continue to feel growth and movement because that to me was one of the signs in between my last appointments that gave me the most comfort.  Who knew getting bigger in pregnancy could ever make me feel so good?!   Since my last appointment I did change my diet substantially and am eating a lot more protein and a lot less junk.  It hasn’t been completely perfect (i.e. doughnut yesterday for breakfast) but I think my significant improvements certainly have helped the cause too. 

So that’s my update – I hope I continue to only provide similar great news for future appointments! 

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