Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Claire McKenna: 1-2 Months Update

I completely missed acknowledging Claire’s one-month birthday until it hit me a few days after, whoops!  I finally got around to taking her 1 month picture a week after the fact but I made up for it and was spot on with taking her 2-month picture yesterday.  I have a feeling poor Claire is always going to have the “second child syndrome” when it comes to things like this.  BUT what I can say, is she is definitely getting a little more of an improved version of a mom than Annie did.  Some things with Annie we learned thru ‘baptism by fire’ where with Claire we are a little more versed in this whole baby thing so she gets the benefit of more experienced parenting.  That’s a pretty fair trade-off, right?!
One Month Old Picture
So how is Claire?  She is pretty special.  For the first month she slept, a lot.  As most babies do.  Around 3 weeks she started to become more alert and actually gave Aaron and I a little scare as she cried for several weeks nonstop making us wonder how in the world did we end up with another colicky baby.  Luckily… around 6 weeks it started to ease up and although she still cries a bit, its nothing like Annie’s colic and I actually think we may be thru the worst of it (fingers crossed?!)  Either that or we are just handling it way better this time around.  Annie had terrible acid reflux where she didn’t just spit up, she literally threw up her bottles.  Luckily Claire does not have that issue, she hardly spits up and her digestive system seems to be far better than Annie’s was at this age. 
2 Months old - weighing in at 11 lbs, 10 oz and 22 inches long
Most of our days are spent at home, between the rain and the heat, we haven’t gotten out as much as I would have liked to.  She does like being in the stroller and the car so far (Annie hated the car until she was about 1.5 yrs old!  I don’t think I can handle a round 2 of another kid hating car rides).  Between her day time naps that stretch 2ish hours, we spend most of the time on her tummy time mat or being held.  She loves being held which is a nice change from Annie who cried all the time whether held or not and wasn’t a very happy baby until nearly 6 months old.  Claire is a much more content baby although her fussiness is usually worst at night, between 8 and when she goes to sleep which is anywhere between 9:30 and 10.  That is usually a very tiring few hours as she is extra fidgety and fussy then.  I’m already looking forward to when she starts going down at 8 pm which if I recall we are only a month or two away from when babies typically make that shift in their schedule.  Usually by the time we get Annie down and then have Claire’s fussiest hours, we basically have spent our entire night being hands on with kids and we literally fall into our bed at night completely wiped out.

We’ve lucked out with another amazing sleeper.  Annie was an awesome sleeper, she usually only woke up once and she was super quick to eat and get back down, if I recall sometimes I could do it in 20 minutes.  Claire is similar although that first month she really took her time eating and we’d usually be up for a full hour.  In the second month, we now have it down to 30 minutes and she’s pretty on the dot when it comes to waking up at 2 am and then again somewhere between 5:30/6 am.  Not bad, I’ll take it!  So all in all, I have lucked out with 2 babies that like their sleep, just like their Mama, thankfully! 

Best part of the last two months… Claire has started to give genuine smiles, which are so heart melting!  And when she smiles she tends to be very animated about it, usually starts with a full mouth open smile and then melts into a grin, I could watch her smile 100 times over.  She has rolled from tummy to back a handful of times, more so out of anger because she hates being on her tummy.  So her neck/head strength is still a work in progress, not as strong as Annie was at her age but has pretty good head control when she does hold it up.  
There's that 2 month wide mouthed smile!  She also scrunches her nose up when she smiles which is pretty cute!
When I hold her, I have a lot of thoughts in my mind.  One is always gratitude.  I thank God every single day {multiple times} for her perfect health.  I doubt a day will go by that I won’t say that little prayer for her and Annie.  The second thought that I have often is having a flash back of Annie’s 1st year and how excited I am for all of Claire’s firsts.  And then I usually start to laugh to myself when I think of some of the things Annie did {or has put us thru} and I just can’t envision what that will be like with Claire exactly and it’s hard to even think of her crawling, walking, talking or any of that but it’s something that I’m really looking forward to now that I’ve experienced it Annie, it makes our future that much sweeter to look forward to.  Not that I want to rush along her growing up, but honestly I kinda think every month as Annie has gotten older I seem to like each new month more than the last so I feel like it only gets better and better from here with Claire and that’s exciting to me.

So here we have it, month 1-2 update.  Maybe I’ll post a 3, 6, 9 and 12-month update rather than monthly (there’s that 2nd child syndrome again!).  We’ll see how well I do! Good news is I finally got around to filling out her baby book and photo album and I’ve working to make sure I take lots of pictures of her so she won’t have a lack of memories documented that’s for sure! 

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