Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Claire, 7 Month Update

Oh well for thinking I would post a 3,6, 9, and 12 month update as Claire is already well into her 7th month and I have yet to get to that 6 month update until now.  Better late than never though right?

I can’t believe my little Claire Bear is over a half a year old already!  Aaron and I are trying to really love and appreciate this first year of her life because we know how quickly time flies before she is no longer a baby.
Overall, Claire is a pretty happy baby, not to say she doesn’t get fidgety and fussy but a much easier baby than Annie ever was.  Claire and Annie at 7 months are quite different.  Annie never enjoyed to be held, she was a mover whereas Claire isn’t much of a mover and just wants held.  She can roll over but not big on it, which is a whole different experience to Annie who moved like crazy and was walking by 9 months.  Claire definitely won’t be walking at 9 months; shoot she’ll probably just be crawling by then.  She has sitting on her own mastered and loves the jumper.   

She gives Annie the most laughs, her Dad the most smiles (and baby reaches, “Pick me up Dad!”), and keeps her eyes on Mom so she doesn’t leave the room.  She is pretty good at smiling on demand and is quite the reacher.  Meaning Annie better have a good grasp on her toy because Claire is always reaching for whatever Annie has and she has quite the grip once she gets a hold of something.  She also gives a pretty loud scream when something is beyond her reach, easily frustrated when she doesn’t get what she wants….eerily similar to her sister.  
We haven’t really come across baby food she doesn’t like; so far both veggies and fruits are a hit.  I did try her on some Mum Mum’s but she just had too many instances of chocking on them that I decided we will wait a little longer on those.  Dinners at home just started to get a little easier; Claire can be real adamant about feeding herself so I’ll scoop some food on her spoon and let her naw on it for a while.  Aaron doesn’t like my method because it’s a mess but I like it because I can then multi-task and make dinner between her bites.  She pretty much downs her bottles no problem and we are finally getting her to learn how to hold the bottle herself.  She’s been pretty lazy on that front until some recent coaxing.

Can you believe we have had Claire sleeping in our bedroom clear up to a few weeks ago?  Yes we finally transitioned her from the pack n play back to her crib in her bedroom.  She STILL isn’t sleeping thru the nights and it’s getting really old!  She was sleeping from about 7:30 to 5 am clear up to November, then we got hit with an ear infection that took 18 days to clear up and the double whammy of 2 bottom teeth that came in.  November was a pretty rough month, she was so fussy with all that going on and started getting up around 1-2 am for a bottle again. 
She is all healthy and well today, those teeth seemed to finally calm down but she still wants that middle of the night bottle so we are back to a game plan of how we are going to wean her off of this mid-night awakening.  It’s tough because yes waking up in the middle of the night sucks but when we give her a bottle, she is back to sleep no problem in 15/20 minutes.  Just this last weekend I tried to rock her back to sleep and I was up for an hour before I gave into the fight and just gave her a bottle.  But Aaron and I know at this age, she can go 11 hours without at night and we need to go thru the painful process of getting her off this middle of the night stuff.

I’ve enjoyed dressing Claire in Annie’s old clothes and really didn’t buy many new… until recently.  I knew I couldn’t hold out forever!  Most of Annie’s clothes are still in style but I feel like Claire should have a little bit of a style of her own too.  And not to mention, those little girl’s outfits are a weakness of mine!
Overall, I remember Annie at 6 months being one of my favorite ages.  I would say this may be my favorite age as well so far with Claire, she can sit and play but isn’t moving yet so it minimizes the trouble she can get into.  It’s a good stage to be in!  Happy 7 months Claire Bear!

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