Friday, April 7, 2017

Claire's 1st Steps on 3/20/17

I'm way late on this... but the day after Annie's birthday weekend, Claire took her first true steps.  It's almost like Claire couldn't handle Annie's 3 day birthday celebration and was like she was saying "I'll show them... I'll just start walking, that'll get the attention back on me!"  HA.

It was funny because actually just the day prior, a friend commented to us that they think she will be walking soon and I was like no way, not even close.  She was still more focused on crawling and really couldn't keep her balance for too long so I really was very surprised when she started walking that very next day.

And of course, once she did it, we basically spent a good hour of her walking back and forth between Aaron and I while I took a million videos of it.  If I would've known she was going to put on a performance that night, I wouldn't have chosen her Christmas pajamas for the big event.  Nothing like a little Christmas spirit still lingering into Spring.

Now that she is walking, I'm having some issues finding her shoes with grip on the bottom.  She has the tiniest feet and really can't fit into Annie's old shoes and really Annie is hard on her shoes and there won't be much for hand-me downs in this area.  Claire is still in 0-6 month Robeez shoes and they are really getting tight.  But 6-12 months is too huge on her so we need some in-between like 6-9 months but they are hard to find that size or even find a good shoe that will have grip to them on a hard surface.  Plus we will be getting outside soon so I'm on the hunt for some hard soles that she won't trip on.  So many soles are bulky.  In the meantime, barefoot and grippy socks are getting us by.

It's also very cute how she gets very excited when she walks, she knows exactly what she is doing and she has a huge grin and gets really excited right before she takes that first step forward.  It never gets old!  That initial excitement doesn't last long, so we are loving it while it's still there!

And leave it to Annie to be screaming and crying in the background of these videos, you aren't even getting the half of her tantrums she was having...

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