Thursday, May 24, 2012


What's new with Charley.... 

• Lately, she has been getting stuck under our bed. During her sleep she shifts herself until she is completely under the bed and stuck or else she is after a toy and manages to get wedged under there. Then she tries not to bark and wake us up but it’s pretty obvious she is struggling to get out and she may even let out a little yip. So then I have to grab her by the collar, turn her on her side and drag her out from under the bed. That crazy dog!
Normally asleep half under the bed
• On numerous occasions, we are just sitting in the living room and out of nowhere; she lets out the loudest burps. It always takes Aaron and I by surprise and we look at each other and say did she just burp?!?! They are loud and she has no shame in letting out a monster belch.

Smiles like she has acorns in her cheeks
• She doesn’t try to get in the shower with me anymore but she likes to bring one of her toys and drop it in while I’m showering and then run away real fast. I can’t help but think how she is like a little kid sometimes!

Usually after a toy under the couch
• She knows her territory quite well and one day she was going hysterical in the backyard. So I went out there and could not figure out what in the world she was barking at. Once I realized it, I chuckled. There were golf club sitting in our neighbors driveway and she knew those aren’t normally sitting there and she was barking at them like they were going to attack her.
Loves playing frisbee
• Aaron gives Charley a back rub/scratch every morning to help wake her up. He says he heard it makes dogs live longer. LOL! What about the wife, I ask!

Lazy day naps... who looks more comfortable here? :) 
• Sometimes I forget that she’s still a baby and still experiencing new things for the first time. Once the weather got nice, I took her with me on a path I’ve been on a million times. So we are jogging along and all of a sudden I get jerked back and she is completely frozen in her step. That’s when I realized we were about to cross a bridge over a small creek and she saw this and thought what the heck is this? She was not going to go off of pavement onto wooden planks! I finally coaxed her over it and as she walked across it, she hunched down real low like she was going to fall off the bridge or something. Such a chicken!
Tend to find her in her kennel even on the weekends catching a nap
• When we picked her up after leaving her behind a week on our vacation she jumped into my lap and I got one big kiss on my face. Melted my heart! Then for the following week, she followed us around the house closely, not letting us out of her sight. So sad, I hate leaving her!

Cuddled up to me the day we got back from vacation
• She has gotten a lot better with the ‘excited pee’ but the other day I came home and when I got to the top of the stairs, she was sitting in ‘time out’. I was like oh oh, she has done something because she is not running over to me and looks very guilty. Yep, she got excited when she heard the garage door and pee’d just a little at the top of the stairs. I was mad but had to chuckle that before I even walked in the door, she had already put herself in ‘time out’ because she knew what she had done.

Loves sleeping with her blanky and bear
• When she gets excited, her tail wags uncontrollably that her entire backside is swinging side to side, it’s cute.
Starbucks Puppy Latte is quite the treat!
• She’s becoming more of a cuddler. I know a lot of people think it gross we let her in our bed, but I don’t care. And for the record, my bedding does get washed more than yours probably does.

This girl has monster feet (and I'm not talking about my foot here...) she's already a 6 1/2 shoe size! 
• We are a lot more selective in the toys we give her. She can now chew up a toy in no time. We have to test the durability in the store and I’m always surprised how we think there is no way she will tear thru something and within minutes she has it ripped apart. I feel like we are going thru a lot of toys right now. But I’d rather have that then chewing on our stuff.

We are coming up on her first birthday this summer, I can't believe how fast time has gone!  She certainly the comedian of the family, continually cracking us up and we sure do love this puppy to pieces! 

1 comment:

  1. I love your doggy updates! She sounds like such a sweetie! Hilarious about the golf clubs, the bridge, and getting stuck under the bed! And...Kinnick sleeps with us, too. He's a spoiled baby and that's something he will always have on our real-life babies.
