Friday, August 8, 2014

Happy Bday Chuck!

Guess who had a birthday earlier this month?  This huggable, loveable, fuzzy face. 

Charley turned 3 and we had big plans of making a day just for her but then Annie decided nope… she was going to take center stage that day and be extra colicky.  Poor Charley!  But she still got lots of love, extra treats, a new toy and her own photo shoot I took for this post.  No dog park, no Starbucks puppy lattes, no car rides, no pup cups from Dairy Queen, no walks…but pretty sure she didn’t mind. 

This year, we have worked to make a conscious effort to give Charley lots of love every day but thru the day there are lots of “No Charley” being said.  She wants to play all the time.  She still doesn’t understand that when I’m holding or feeding Annie, I can’t handle having a dog toy being shoved into my lap.  Although she may not give up easily with trying to get me to play with her, she is still so good and doesn’t get mad that I ignore her.   When I’m on the floor playing with Annie, I try to balance between keeping her entertained and giving Charley attention at the same time.  When Annie goes to bed, Aaron and I try to give Charley 1:1 attention but some days I’m just too tired and so Chuck gets a bone. 

Charley has had a lot of nicknames over the years but lately she is ‘Chuck’.  Or Charles Dickens.  LOL, I know, we are weird.    

Chuck is pretty good but the one thing we still struggle with to this day is when company is at our house, she will not listen at all!  She gets so OVER excited and go nuts.  She is so good and listens so well when it’s just us but when other people are here, she is the worse and does not obey at all.  I cannot figure out for the life of me how to resolve this.  I think she is just still a puppy and it will just take time for her to not get so wound up when people are over.  And then she thinks those people are here JUST to see her.  Sorry Chuckers!

I refer to Charley as my ‘first born’.  She is the BEST dog I’ve ever had.  Really.  She is such a lover and always so happy-go-lucky and still does funny things that makes us laugh.   I always tell Charley and Annie that they are best friends they just don’t know it yet.  I look forward to the day they can wear each other out. 

Happy Birthday Charley!  As much as life has changed for you this year, we still love you just as much as we did before! 

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