Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Domino

My family dog Domino (border collie) passed away last week of old age, he was 15/16 yrs old. I was pretty bummed out last weekend missing/thinking of my Domino. He was such a great dog. I remember picking him out as an early Christmas gift. Him and his sister were running around playing, I still remember that night. From what we were told by the shelter, he and his sister were abandoned on a roadside, boxed closed shut so they couldn’t get out. How mean is that? Not only to abandon 2 pups but to tape/close it shut so they couldn’t get out? Cruel!

Domino was a very trainable dog. He really didn’t like toys much but loved to be petted. His favorite was sleeping at the foot of the bed; he was kind a bed hog and felt that he had every right to as much room as he pleased. He was such a ‘couch potato’ like dog, always lying around. He had his spot behind Dad’s recliner on his beloved blanket. He could do awesome tricks for the right treat. Walk backwards on his hind legs clear across a room, play dead, roll over, sit or lay. He had each trick perfected. And as long as you had a treat, he would do whatever you wanted him to! He was smart though…no treat, no trick!

Around 7 or so years ago, my parents got another dog, Gunther. Domino did not like Gunther, he definitely felt slided by this pup at first. But over time, they became buds and even played together at times. Most of the time it was Gunther trying to get Domino to play but it was still very entertaining to watch.

Domino was rare in the fact that he was diabetic and allergic to meat. A dog that is diabetic cannot drink too much water, it will make them sick. He was on pills to help with this. He also couldn’t eat regular dog food; it had to be 100% vegetarian. He was a high maintenance dog, it was out of his control that he had these hindrances but who could resist his cuteness or how he was such a good dog?! He was worth the extra care.

Domino was so special to me. My favorite dog and always will be! Couldn’t have asked for a better dog growing up. He was perfect and I will miss him tons! It just makes me tear up even writing this, I'm gonna miss him so much!!!

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