Monday, October 11, 2010

My 29th Birthday!

This past weekend was my 29th birthday. I really wasn’t up for much celebrating since the past few weeks have been quite a whirlwind but I did end up having a good birthday weekend and keeping things low key was a good for a change. Anyone who knows me well knows that I must be feeling wiped out because I NEVER have a low key birthday.

Friday night I went to the Matthew West Concert with Aaron and my friends Becky, Lauren. Lauren drove down from Minneapolis and Becky came from Omaha so that was special of them to come for my birthday.

On Saturday Teresa, one of my best friends from college, came from Omaha with her two daughters Morgan and Tessa. We had a great play day, went to a pumpkin patch, got creative with some sidewalk chalk, had some pizza and birthday cake, watched a movie and had a slumber party. It was a fun girl’s day!

Sunday was my actual birthday. Aaron and I just chilled out, ran some errands and spent the day together. Aaron had suggested we have dinner at this quaint little Italian Restaurant which normally would be a great idea but I was wiped out and just wanted to order Applebee’s carside to go and eat on the couch in my jammies. So I passed up a nice dinner to sit and veg on the couch. I’m taking a ‘rain check’ on that dinner though…

Aaron spoiled me like he always does. Wednesday I received 4 dozen roses at work. He also gave me a beautiful sterling silver cross necklace. He also contributed towards another gift I have been wanting, a Body Bugg! I used my birthday money I received to purchase that, I’ll blog about my Body Bugg once I get the hang of how it all works.

All in all, it was a great weekend. I’m sure next year for my 30th we will do something a little more on the adventurous side but enjoyed a lower key birthday for a change.

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