Friday, March 23, 2012

Pack Like A Pro

Aaron and I are travel junkies. Whether it’s a weekend get-a-way, a full out vacation or just trips to visit family and friends, I know how to pack a suitcase like a pro.

I want to share my top 10 UNIQUE packing tips that I have learned along the way! I think they are pretty good tid bits.

1. When packing, put some laundry dryer sheets in-between your clothing, it will help keep your clothes smelling fresh all vacation long!

2. If traveling with your spouse, divide your check items between multiple suitcases. That way if one of them gets lost, you will both have clothing to wear.

3. Always carry your auto insurance card with you; if you decide to rent a car on vacation, it’s less hassle if you have it on you.

4. Pack a small extension cord. You don’t know hotel room set ups and sometimes finding enough plug-ins for everything can be a nuisance.

5. Pack an index card with your contact information inside your luggage in case your travel tags come off your bag during travel.

6. Always travel with your passport and driver license, even if it’s domestic travel. I ALMOST learned this the hard way when we were in Vegas and I couldn’t find my driver’s license. I was real worried how I was going to get back on a plane home! Luckily I found it but have additional ID in a safe place in case one does get lost.

7. I always keep a packing checklist on my laptop and then copy over it and make changes for each trip, that way I never forget anything and I always have a generic packing list handy.

8. Never leave home without an extra pair of contacts (you thought I was going to say UNDERWEAR, didn’t you…)! You don’t want to be the nerd on vacation wearing your glasses because your contact unexpectedly tore. NO OFFENSE to people who wear glasses, it’s just not my best everyday look.

9. Make a copy of your passport and IDs. I know you are thinking, well what good will this do if I did lose mine? I’ve read that it makes the process of replacing these items quicker and helps to prove you are ‘you’! Keep in your hotel safe or send yourself a password protected email of these copies so you can easily access them away from home.

10. A planner enjoys vacation far more than a un-planner! Okay I just made that up but it has to be true! I consider myself pretty organized and proud of it. There is no sense running to the nearest convenience store on your vacation and paying a premium for something you forgot because you didn’t plan ahead. Your vacation is precious time and should be spent enjoying it!

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