Saturday, March 15, 2014

Pregnancy Journal: 39 Weeks

Week 39 has been more eventful than I would have liked it to been.  I went in for my routine weekly doctor checkup, 39 weeks 2 days.  I hadn’t been feeling very good overall and that morning in particularly I really wasn’t feeling well, just hot and felt a bit shaky/uneasy.  Nurse took my blood pressure as she normally does.  Then took it again and said it was pretty high, 167/102 I think.  Doctor came in and took my blood pressure twice as well, checked my cervix (which was closed), measured my tummy and told me we need to talk.  I don’t know much about blood pressure, I’ve always had normal blood pressure so I didn’t know how concerning 167/102 was but when she said we needed to ‘talk’ panic was starting. 

She checked my reflexes and said I was definitely hypertensive.  Then she told me they found trace protein in my urine sample and all this points to signs of preeclampsia.  Which was not a foreign term to me, I have read up on it and know that is not good at all.  She told me I need to go to the hospital and chances are I’ll be induced.  That really threw me for a loop because I was just coming in for my normal appt and had intentions of heading into work from there.  Ya, I hadn’t been feeling well but just attributed it to my ‘norm’ feeling anymore.  I asked her if I could run home real quick before I went to the hospital and she told me absolutely not.  Then I started to sweat and really freak out, why can’t I go home?!  My doctor is really concerned which made me go into major panic mode.  I left and called Aaron and just started crying because I was so overwhelmed.  He headed over to the hospital and as he was pulling in, I called him again and I told him to go home and get the bags and this part is funny, I said and don’t forget my mascara, lipstick and cell phone charger.  Of all things going thru my head, I made sure to mention that!

They got me checked in and hooked up for continuous monitoring of the baby’s heartbeat, which by the way was completely perfect at both the clinic and the duration I was at the hospital.  As well as hooked up to have my blood pressure automatically taken every 10 minutes.  My blood pressure was starting to drop but slowly.  By the time Aaron got there, I was relaxed and calmed down and had already had my blood work drawn.  Aaron was all frantic and told him I’m fine now and to relax.   About an hour or so, the nurse came in and told me my blood work is all coming back normal and my blood pressure at this point came down into the 120s/80s, which is normal. 

The doctor came in and told me that I do not have preclampsia but I’m most likely developing it so he gave me a few options, be induced now or else they could watch it closely and assess it again on Monday.  I didn’t understand why being induced was even an option now since everything was good and his answer was there is really no reason to wait, I’m 39 weeks, the baby is fully developed and waiting much longer won’t be an option now since I’ve had this little episode.  I told the doctor I have a real concern being induced and increasing my chances for a c-section, especially before my due date and he acknowledged that it does increase my chances but doesn’t mean I will necessarily have one. 
After talking it over with Aaron we decided the plan was to wait.  It had been such an overwhelming morning already and the thought of being induced right that minute; I just wasn’t ready for it.   It’s like I want it over but want to put it off at the same time.  We decided that we would monitor my blood pressure at home (we have a nifty little machine now) and were given guidelines if I get a high reading.  The doctor did say he doesn’t see anything changing between now and Monday so I need to be mentally preparing myself for my Monday appt that I could be induced Monday night with Cervidil and then Tuesday morning I’ll probably be started on Pitocin. 

I asked the doctor if I was making the right choice by leaving and choosing not to induce that day.  It’s definitely not worth putting the baby or myself in harm.  He said look, we wouldn’t let you leave if we were that concerned.  It’s totally fine to wait at this point. And he goes, I can tell from talking to you that you just aren’t ready and that is okay.  Wheew!  I wanted to say, no I’m not ready!!  I have like 5 pages to read in my book on getting baby’s to sleep and I have some pictures to put in her photo album yet!  Plus my husband forgot my mascara after I specifically asked him to bring it so let's just call this a 'trial run'. 

So we went home, called my boss and got my maternity leave officially started and the remainder of the day my blood pressure remained slightly elevated.  The next morning, I was fine and my readings since have been normal. 

Arg!  Totally not what I was hoping for.  I really wanted to labor at home during the initial stages.  But my birth plan isn’t completely down the crapper, if this is the only deviation from my birth plan, then I’ll be pretty happy overall. 

So last week I was on ‘unofficial’ bed rest now I really am on official bed rest.  Remember last week how I said my guess was Thursday and Aaron’s was Monday?  Well we both had some sort of intuition.  I had the option of being induced when this episode happened (Thursday) and looks like it could be as soon as Monday night that I’d be induced.  Chances are she won’t be born until late Tuesday or even Wednesday, which is nice because my preferred doctor is on call Tuesday.  There is one doctor I really don’t want, if he comes in on Wednesday, I’m crossing my legs and shaking my head no and keeping her in until Thursday!

So this may be my very last pregnancy journal posting.  But who knows… on Monday they could tell me well let’s just keep monitoring things closely.  But I’m going to be mentally prepared this time that I could be sent straight over to the hospital from my appointment or else that night.  Pray for me that it all goes well because I am still pretty darn nervous about this whole labor and delivery process to come.

Hope to have a birth announcement very soon!
39.5 weeks really, not an ideal picture but cut me some slack, I'm on bed rest and was not going to do my makeup just for this picture

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