Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pregnancy Journal: Week 37

Week 37!  Whoohoo!  37 weeks is considered full term by some standards, others say 38/39 weeks but I FEEL full term so that’s what I’m going with.  I’m starting to really wear down, ideally I would like to give birth in my 39th week.  That would be ideal.  A few more weeks of “me” time would be nice.  But at the same time, I’m so so so sick of being pregnant that if it happened tonight, then I would be ready (well as ready as ready gets!)  Somebody in the medical field needs to seriously figure out how to turn pregnancy from 9 months down to like 4 months because 9 months is way too long. 

My wedding ring will not fit on my finger L  I don’t feel like I’m swelling a lot but just enough that I can’t squeeze it on.  I feel like an illegitimate pregnant woman running around town with no ring on my finger.  I feel so self-conscious of it that I want to tell cashiers at the checkout line that I am married to the baby’s daddy but they probably don’t even notice it like I do!  Can’t wait to put that back on.  I just can’t wait to have my body back period.  I'm ready to get this ‘hostage’ outta me!  I struggled to clip my toe nails this morning, you know how much it sucks to not even be able to clip your own toe nails???  It’s frustrating.  I'm all balled up on the floor, bending to the side reaching as far as my arm will reach to try to clip a nail, I'm sure I look ridiculous too. 

I just started having these vivid pregnancy dreams that I’ve heard about.  The last 3 nights I had some strange dreams.  Aaron is having pregnancy dreams too, lol.  He told me he dreamt that we were at Panera and we were storing our leftovers in their ceiling tiles above and the employees were cool with it.  WHAT?!!  Now that is some strange dream!

Late in this week, I’ve decided to put myself on unofficial bed rest.  So outside of work, I’m just taking it easy.  It seems like I can’t do much of anything without feeling pain/discomfort and the more I move the worst I feel.  I was able to do my Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Workout video up until the other night, I got a third of the way thru it and thought I was going into labor.  I highly recommend her pregnancy dvd set.  I bought her postpartum video, the only thing that stinks is its 45 minutes long, I don’t know if I’ll have 45 minutes in one shot once the baby arrives to work out or not.  I may have to break up the video into halves.  So yes unofficially on bed rest.  Which is kind of nice that I’ve finally came to terms/peace with the idea of taking it easy, which is not me, I like to be a busy bee but I’m okay with the next few weeks of rest.  It helps that all of our ‘to-dos’ are done too!  
Sorry running out of outfit choices, another downside of being 9 months!

1 comment:

  1. You are still glowing and have literally grown nowhere but straight out! I'm the same way about not wearing a wedding ring. HATE it! I vowed that if I out-grew it this time, I would buy a fake one. Especially working (as a teacher/role model) and being in the public eye up until week 40! You're almost there, mama!
