Monday, November 8, 2010

Our 1st Year Anniversary!

YAY! Our one year anniversary is here! Can’t believe we are already celebrating our one year anniversary, it flew by. I’ll have two blog postings, this one in which I will recap the year and another post about how we celebrated.

What words sum up this past year…craziness, happiness, sadness, love, life lessons, emotion-filled, companionship, blessed… Let me explain. We’ve experienced more this first year than we have in all the years we’ve been together.

Craziness/Sadness/Emotion-Filled/Life lessons – well we’ve gotten our fair share of upsets this year. Luckily what we have gone thru this year we did not do alone but we had each other through it all. This past year seemed like an emotional roller coaster with the passing of our friend Chris, my Grandpa’s burst aneurysm and a lot of other unfortunate news from friends/family. From the outlook of how it affected our marriage, it definitely made us stronger as a couple. We’ve talked about how life is too short to let it pass by. We have a better understanding and a changed perspective of what we want out of life and we both agree on what we want for our future. For both Aaron and I who don’t like to show and talk thru emotion, this year forced us to do so. Overall, like I said, it made us stronger and I’m thankful for that.

Love/Companionship – we definitely love the one-on-one time we have together and cherish it far more than we ever have before. There is just something about being at home with my husband doing nothing that is awesome. I can be totally myself around him and he knows me so well that I don’t have to explain why I am the way I am. And vice versa… We are two peas in a pod!

Happiness – our honeymoon to Napa Valley this year was a lot of fun. We’ve gone to a lot of weddings this year, actually spent the evening before our anniversary at a wedding reception! We’ve shared some good belly laughs this year (especially thinking of instances we’ve shared with Aaron’s friend Mark and my sister Heather). A lot of good conversations have taken place in the car since we’ve been on the go a lot this year. Little acts of kindness to each other have brought us happiness. We are definitely still goofballs that like to make each other laugh every day.

Blessed! We are definitely very blessed. I’m so blessed to have a GREAT husband who loves me and makes me feel special. Blessed to have great family. Blessed to have great friends. Blessed to have a good house. Blessed to have jobs. Blessed that we are happy. Blessed to have Faith. Blessed that our marriage has only grown stronger over the year. Blessed that we realize the importance of marriage.

So Happy Anniversary to my Snuggle Bug! I can’t wait for year 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 25 and 50 and 65 and … well not sure how many anniversaries we will share but we have a lifetime's worth to look forward to!

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