Monday, November 29, 2010

Work Out Update

So as mentioned in a previous post, I’m sharing my exercise routine my personal trainer is having me do. I call him my trainer but I don’t pay for his services, so basically we are meeting once a month, he sets up a workout plan and walks me thru it to make sure I’m doing each exercise right, takes my measurements, and maintains parts of my bodybugg. If I was to pay him, my workout would change daily, I would meet with him more frequently and I would be broke because he is $600 for 14 sessions so I think I’m getting a deal for what he has agreed to do for free!

Last week he took my measurements, last time we did this was Oct 11th. By following his plan, I lost 3 inches in my waist! I lost 3 lbs, 3% body fat, 1 inches in my arms, but gained 1 inch in my hips. Ya, I freaked out when he told me this. How in the world do you lose or maintain in all areas but my hips grew by an inch? Makes no sense but he said don't worry about it and I should lose it by my next measurement date. Overall I think my bodybugg is paying off.

So here is what he has me doing. The below exercises I do every other day. The cardio I do at the end is 20 minutes of rolling hills on the elliptical at a level 2. On the days I don’t do this, I do interval running on the treadmill for 45 minutes at a 1.5 incline the entire time (when my shins can handle it or else it’s a flat run). So cardio everyday.  Rotate between the two workouts 6 days a week, 1 day rest.

(First 3 are stretches)

Calves 2 sets @ 20 sec/hold (I use a roller and roll out my calves)

Hip Flexors 2 sets @ 20 sec/hold

Neck/Traps 1 arm behind back, pull head with other arm (good for knots in my neck)

Back Lunges: 2 sets of 20 (10/side)

Good Mornings: 2 sets of 20 reps with weighted bar

Squats: 4 sets of 15 reps w/ 10 lbs barbells, use a box that is one foot off the ground and squat until your butt touches this box.

Bent Over Rows: 4 sets of 15 reps w/ 10 lbs. barbells

Planks: 4 sets @ 1 minute. 30 sec breaks in-between each set

Push Ups: 4 sets of 10 reps

Shoulder Presses:4 sets of 15 reps w/ 5-10 lbs. barbells

Cable Twists: 2 sets of 15/side w/ 10 lbs. barbells

Cardio: 20 minutes

You can look up how do each of these exercises on the internet.

Okay for the honest part now, I rarely go 6 days a week. It is normally 4, maybe 5 times on a really good week but I do follow all the exercises when I am there. I still eat a lot of crap. I can think of a million other things I’d rather do than work out. My motivation to go to the gym sucks. I can easily talk myself out of it. I get frustrated when my shins splints kick in or just how time consuming working out can be. Fit people are only somewhat motivating, more so depressing to look at because I know how much work it takes to look like that. Working out doesn’t come easy for me anymore, it’s hard. It’s hard to push myself at times. I struggle big time between what my main focus should be, health and not self-image.  Ugg. 

Now something funny. Last night I kept getting a whiff of someone and I was like holy smokes who is stinky? Yep, it was me :) I didn’t realize it right away. I was the smelly kid.  Every time the fan swirled around, I got a taste of my own medicine.  Here I am, trying to blame someone else for my stinky pits.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you on the workouts! As much as working out stinks (pun intended on your stinky pits comment, ha!) I'm glad you're getting the results you are looking for!
