Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This past weekend we finally had the motivation to get rid of some stuff. The most daunting task was our closets. The rest of the house there isn’t much to go thru, I don’t like clutter but when it comes to the closet… well that’s a different story. Aaron is just as bad in this area. Most guys only have a few pairs of shoes…. My husband actually got rid of 4 pairs of shoes and STILL has twice as many shoes than the average guy. And I thought I was bad when it came to shoes!

I finally let go of some items I haven’t worn in years. Why is it hard to part with things I haven’t worn in years? It helped I was in a mood to get rid of stuff. I still have items that I’m holding onto even though I shouldn’t but I think I made some great progress, I got rid of a bunch of stuff! Why hold onto it? I haven’t worn it in over a year and someone else could probably really use this item so why let it collect any more dust in my closet?

By the end of the day BOTH Aaron and I were able to store our winter sweaters in the same storage tub. Now that is impressive compared to where we were before.

There is actually some really good stuff in our Goodwill pile! Aaron has 3 suits in there, I have a Columbia coat in very good condition, shoes and purses worthy of reuse, and Aaron has some nice button up shirts in there too. It makes it a lot easier to get rid of stuff when you keep in mind that there is a somebody who really needs these items far more than we do.

One pile that is ready to go!  It's nearly as tall as I am!

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