Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pregnancy Journal: 33 - 34 Weeks

All the ‘big’ items are done, we are ready for Baby Hyde.  Well not really… I have a substantial list of small items that I would like to have done before her arrival so if she could just stay put for a bit longer, that would be nice. 

We are lining up our plan for when she will arrive.  Aaron is going to casually work from home that first week out of the hospital as I try to manage taking care of the baby mostly myself during the day and adjusting to the new routine.  Limiting all guest that first week home as it will be overwhelming enough.  The second week, my mom is coming to help out.  And from there we have some additional visitors/help sporadically.  I’m expecting the worse… lack of sleep, no showers, quick runs to the grocery store, frozen not fresh meals (or take-out), irritated/frustrations that come with learning how to be a mom.  But hoping for the best too as I’m not sitting back leisurely waiting for disaster to strike, I’m learning as much as I can now from all sources and preparing to the best of my ability.  But I am fully confident that I can do this!  There will be bumps in the road, maybe a few calls to Aaron freaking out during the day but I'm going to try to be as tough of a cookie as I can and figure things out on my own.  I'm going to be tired.  I'm going to be cranky.  I might smell.  I might not have a clean house and yes that is going to drive me nuts.  But one thing I don't want to loose sight of is being grateful for our blessing, no matter how hard it may get. 

Prepping for Charley too.  Even have some special Charley toys tucked away for when baby comes to make her feel special.  I’m not too worried about Charley, she’s pretty adaptable and I think she will handle it well.  But she sure does LOVE getting her own attention and it will be important to not neglect her so she doesn’t become jealous.  She especially gets wound up when visitors are over so that might be a little bit of a tough balance when visitors are there to see the baby, not Charley.  I'm not sure how I will handle that yet, I don't think trapping her in the spare room or outside is going to make things better.  Maybe that is when I bust out a treat a few minutes into the visit to distract her. I have one friend who offered to take her to the dog park for me.  If anyone else out there wants to come walk Charley, I'd be more than happy to let you this Spring!  Just know that she isn't an easy walker and is strong.  In addition we have some trustworthy local friends who have offered to babysit (the baby not Charley) when needed.  So I'm starting to feel some support outlets starting to pour in, which is nice to know that we have that option if needed.  Aaron and I feel it's very important that we still get a date night out once a month, even if it's just a few hours as we both want to be cognizant in protecting our marriage during this transition.  

I’m still finalizing my details for my maternity leave, it’s looking like it will be 8 to 10 weeks.  Which I’m hoping is enough.  My boss has been so awesome, he is pretty much letting me have whatever time I need and has even told me that if I need to ease back into things, I can.  So I feel a sense of relief/no pressure from work and the support from my boss has been wonderful but I also want to be mindful and not take too much time, especially since I’ve only been at my new job for 6ish months. 

As I get bigger and more uncomfortable I think I tell Aaron this every single day… when this baby comes out, I’m going to strap her to the front of you and you are to wear her all day long so you know how I feel right now.  But that will just be 6-8 lbs, we need to add some water bags and tape them to the front of him to add an additional 20 lbs.  And then once he gets all that on, I’m just going to jab him in the side every now and then to give him the feeling of what it feels like to have a kung-fu fight occurring inside of you.  Of course I won’t really do this but I’d sure love for him to carry this baby for just ONE day to see what it feels like.  Kid you not, I bet I tell him of this every single day. 

I don’t know if I just have a more active baby than others or what but I’m not kidding, I feel like I’m in a kung-fu fight, my sides get sore from her kicking the crap out of me.  Some days I feel like I’m black and blue inside.  I have some intense strong movements going on in there.  Which they say are all signs of a healthy baby but wowzas is she STRONG and ACTIVE!

33 Weeks!
34 Weeks - Pretty sure I grew quite a bit this week! 

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