Monday, February 3, 2014

Pregnancy Journal: Week 31 & 32

It’s been a busy few weeks.  Biggest event that happened is my baby shower, which was absolutely perfect and I’ll save that for a post on its own. 

My sleeping has been pretty rough.  I tend to go 3 to 4 days of very little sleep, just uncomfortable and just in a total insomnia state where I’m wide awake.  Then I’ll sleep really well for a few nights in a row and it just kinda goes back and forth like this.  It’s frustrating but I guess the baby is getting me ready for sleepless nights already. 

Then I’m experiencing heartburn, acid reflex and indigestion really bad.  Especially at night, that is partly why my sleep is terrible.  I've never had heartburn before and it’s a miserable feeling.  I try to avoid certain foods for fear of getting heartburn but it seems like everything I eat gives it to me, even a fruit smoothie, weird huh!?!  What’s that old tale?  Something like heartburn means the baby has a lot of hair.  We’ll see about that. 

Speaking of hair… everyone thinks she will be a red head.  And she may very well be.  I have no problem with a little red head baby girl.  But let’s get real here… babies come out and they don’t look like anything other than a newborn.  I have no expectations and this baby looking like me or Aaron or the mail man.  I really think all babies look darn near the same until a few months when their physical characteristics start to pop.  As a friend shared a joke with me… newborns look like potatoes when they are born.  Ha, it’s kinda true though! Cute lil potaters they are though!    

We graduated from birthing classes this week.  We also took a child care class that was very beneficial.  We learned a lot. Pretty much every class there was something that made me excited and something that made me say oh crap, I can’t undo this now and I have to go thru this! Our teacher was so funny, she had a very dry sense of humor, the kind I don’t have but the kind I appreciate.  She would say things very monotone like, “if you do a hospital tour and you hear something that sounds like someone is pushing a large appliance, you probably are hearing someone in labor.”  And “try to focus on something enjoyable like the ocean, expect I myself don’t like the ocean.  Nor do I like flying; I try to think of flying as a high speed bus.  And the thought of being in space really makes me uneasy too.” She says these things so dryly that I just look at Aaron and we both chuckle to ourselves at how funny this lady was. 

We did a hospital tour and it really is starting to feel REAL.  I can now envision myself being there very soon.  It’s surreal.  It’s surreal to think life as we know it is about to change very very soon.  EEK!

My appointments are going great, getting really close to going weekly rather than biweekly.  Heart rate is good, I’m measuring right on point (and the best part is I haven’t gained any weight in 3 weeks but my belly is continuing to grow right on schedule, YES! Hoping I’m losing in my buns when I’m gaining in the tums!)  I thought I was done buying maternity clothes but my sweatpants are starting to become unbearable, I might have to breakdown and buy some maternity sweats.  They fit, I’m just sick and tired of pulling them up all the time.   And I think it’s time to give up the pre-maternity tanks for my maternity ones.  I look like a hot mess walking around the house in my sweats and regular tank with my belly literally hanging out the bottom.  I've gained 22 lbs altogether and I without a doubt feel 22 lbs heavier!  

I’m starting to regret taking these weekly pictures.  There will be no weekly pictures with baby #2 (given labor doesn't scare me out of wanting a baby #2).  Wednesday morning pictures are really starting to get old!  But now since I've started, I gotta finish them out. 

31 Weeks
32 Weeks

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