Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm A Coupon Super Freak

I LOVE coupons!  I mean...I really really love coupons!  Many of you who know me well knows that I usually always check if I have a coupon and I love to share coupons with my friends/family, it makes me pretty popular :)  A good coupon can really make my day. 

So today I was at the grocery store, specifically Target.  Why do I mention that?  Because at Target you can double up manufacturer coupons with Target coupons (which can be found on their website).  There is some major savings to be had when doing this.  Today I bought a bunch of stuff/groceries, $186 worth of stuff to be exact.  After I handed over my coupons, my bill was $143.  I was pretty pumped to have saved over $40 in coupons alone.  Not to mention stuff I bought on sale/reduced price that I didn't have a coupon for in which my savings would be even greater.  I had a swifter coupon, buy one get one free, that coupon right there saved me $12 and I needed more swifter pads so this was great.  A noncoupon savings was I needed 2 bags of french fries, well it just so happened that today was buy 2 get 1 free on french fries, SCORE!  Awesome when I needed fries anyways! 

I don't buy stuff I don't need unless it is practically free.  I normally only buy stuff that we need or else if I want to try something new, I always google for a coupon first.  It can take me hours at the store.  If you went grocery shopping with me, you would be very impressed with my organization and focus.  I always stop at Starbucks for a coffee before my shopping excursion to get me focused.  And I always stop at the bathroom too, my excursions are always long enough to prompt a potty break.  With my coupon organizer in hand, I set out on a mission.  I love to go when all the sample ladies are out on the weekends, I get to try new things and get a coupon in the process.  And those ladies are always so nice to let me take a handful of the coupons.  I sometimes even stand there and chit chat with them for awhile, hey doesn't hurt to get in on the good side with the sample ladies with the coupons!     

When I check out, normally the checkout ladies are so nice and bear with me because I'm a huge pain in the rear.  I hand them one coupon at a time and pause in between to ensure they all ring in correctly.  I know I have to be totally annoying to them but if I miss a $1 here and a $1 there, that really adds up!  It's usually not the cashier that is annoyed but the person in line behind me.  I always try to remember to say thank you to the person behind me for their patience.  I could tell the lady behind me really hated me today (the cashier had to turn on her light because we needed supervisor approval for my swifter coupon) but I still gave her a smile and thanked her anyways even after she had already given me the evil eye for taking so long.

And I'm also the annoying person in whom may forget a coupon at home and so next time I'm back at that store, I take my receipt and coupon to customer service so I get credit for that $1 coupon.  Yes I do this, heck why not, I'm at the store anyways and it usually takes only a minute. 

Have you seen that show on TLC called Extreme Couponing???  LOVE IT!  I DVR it and amazed by these people's savings.  If I had more time on my hands, I could save much much more but my $40 savings in coupons alone today was enough to make me happy. 

Anyways here are a few of my top resources worth checking out with great coupons! -- at the very bottom is a link for coupons -- always look at these and try to match them with target coupons -- a blog that does a lot of the coupon matching for you -- this one is the BIG savings!
The Des Moines Register -- not only great grocery coupons but good store coupons in here as well such as World Market, Sports Authority, Yonkers, etc.  
My friend Katie -- she is awesome at researching deals and sharing it with me!!!  She is the one who has taught me all this couponing stuff.  I work with her husband and I've gotten to know her thru him.  Oh man is she the coupon queen!  You should see her storage room, filled with stuff she has gotten for free or near free, amazing and I just admire her organization skills too.  After a chat with her, I always am pumped to go cut some coupons. 

Please share your coupon deals with me, nothing makes my day more than a good deal!

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